1000 pound club

Is anyone at the 1000 pound club sum for the 3 big lifts? Bench Press+ Squat+ deadlift.

I will actually test myself next week to see if I am there.

Also what lifters are the strongest out of those three? It has been said that the strongest should be deadlift then squat then bench.


  • My total went down to 875. I'm never lifting heavy fasted ever again.
  • yopeeps025 wrote: »
    deadlift PR 415!!!!!!!!


    I haven’t maxed out in a while, but hoping I’ll be in the 415 - 425 range next time (current is 410).
  • BP 325#
    SQT 510#
    DL 550#
    Total 1385#

    Pluse a 225# Overhead Press
  • You are where I wanna be! I'm at a 1165# total, with my DL holding me back the most, but I'm hoping by switching to sumo DL and working my way back up I can keep going past my current max. Tack on another 15-25# on bench and squat, and I dream of passing 1300 one day.