Best breakfast for weight loss?

I usually have a small bowl of cereal and banana for breakfast, but find I am always hungry and snacking by 11am. What is a good breakfast to stay fuller for longer but still very healthy? Thanks!


  • Try eating something with protein. Greek yogurt maybe.
  • you need protein to keep you full. cereals are usually loaded with stuff your body doesn't really need. i would go with 2 hard boiled eggs (eat the whites only if you don't like the yolk).
  • You can add more protein to help you feel full longer. (eggs, greek yogurt, protein shake)

    What time do you eat breakfast? There's nothing wrong with needing a snack mid-morning if you eat breakfast earlier. For example, I eat breakfast around 6:30 am, so by around 9:30 I am ready for a snack.
  • Im in the same habit of cereal, banana and I add once slice of "Alpine Valley - Organic 12 Grain With Omega Three Bread" Its just 45 calories and I find that the difference to feeling full for me. My wife adds a lil natural peanut butter to hers.

    Ok, full was a lie. Im never full anymore, but Im satisfied. I think full is how I got to 300 pounds in my 40s. LOL
  • I tried eating cereal instead of my usual and was hungry soon after. I find if I mix protein with fiber, I stay full. My favorite is egg white omelet or scrambled egg whites with sauteed veggies. Vegetables can vary. I like mushrooms, peppers, onions, tomatoes and zucchini. Whole wheat toast on the side is good. I'm not a fan of sugar free but the low sugar jams are pretty good.

    I didn't have vegetables this morning so I had a egg fried with nonstick spray, refried beans and some bacon.

  • I usually have eggs and toast and maybe one piece of sausage and it keeps me full til lunch.
  • protein and fat are satiating...cereal is not, at least not by itself or just with fruit.

    I usually have eggs with either pinto beans or eggs with some oats during the week.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Protein, fat, and fiber are filling.

    Is your cereal high protein and /or high fiber? Does your milk have some fat in it?

    Kashi GoLean Original is high protein and high fiber. Oatmeal made with milk, add some chopped nuts. Special K original has decent protein numbers....your banana has fiber.

    I love Greek yogurt, I sprinkle Grapenuts cereal in it.
  • I love breakfast, I find it the easiest meal to keep under 300 cal...I'm known to eat multiple breakfast-style meals a day just to make reducing easier!

    I always...ALWAYS have some sort of egg based deliciousness. I use the carton egg whites, and, unless I'm storing up calories for later, I beat in one or two whole eggs with the whites. I fill a skillet with veg (always mushrooms and then something green...broccoli, kale, broccoli raab, spinach...) and sautee/steam with a tablespoon or two of water, then add my egg mixture and scramble. At the end, I turn off the heat and sprinkle about half an ounce of shredded sharp cheddar on top and cover so it melts. Serve with Cholula hot sauce, and that's 75% of my mornings for you. I often follow up with a whole grapefruit as a bit of a brightening to my morning as well.

    This morning I tried something different...grilled a large portobella cap on both sides, then filled "fin" side with shredded toscano kale and covered to steam. Put a poached egg on top and YUMMY BENEDICT for about 150 calories. I was satisfied with that meal until 4pm.

    My early morning recipe for success always includes protein and fiber. (and caffeine) If I go for a low-fiber carb breakfast (like pancakes or waffles) I'm starving by lunchtime. I'm more satisfied with an ounce of sharp cheddar and Triscuits, to be honest.

    Many people on here will tell you that fat and protein are the keys to feeling satisfied. I, personally, don't feel satisfied by a meal unless there are some carbohydrates in there, too. Everyone is different, figure out what works for you.