Successfully completed day 2 of C25K but I feel like my legs are going to fall off now

I workout all the time however I just am not much of a runner but I would love to be able to run. I decided to download that couch to 5k app on my phone or as people call it the C25K. I knew when I started yesterday that it isn't going to be easy but if I work hard at it I can adjust and become a good runner at some point. Problem is it's only day 2 of following the program and I already feel like my legs are about to fall off. They hurt like crazy I can barely walk and my mucsles have tensed up and gotten real tight but I have not pulled anything. Also I stretch before every workout and I make sure bring my water bottle.

What was your experience like when you started the C25K program? Or for those who never used it but do active running what was your experience like when you started running? Did you ever feel like you were just going to collapse or fall down at first? How long did it take you to adjust to the running where you didn't feel like you were going to collapse and is there something you do so that your muscles don't get tight?


  • You are not the only one who feels that way! I never ran before -- the most I could run was probably 30 seconds and I would feel exhausted. The first week for me was really tough because it's a jolt. You go from barely running (or in my case, never running) to suddenly having to do 1 minute-2 minute intervals and I can tell you I felt like I wanted to pass out.

    For me, the breathing and my heart rate were the toughest parts. I did feel like I wanted to collapse sometimes. My legs did hurt the first two weeks, but never too bad. So it could be normal soreness from your activity change. If at any time it feels like really bad pain like a sprain or shooting pain, it could be because you're starting this new routine or it could be your sneakers/the type of floor you're running on/etc. Also check your running form -- often the way you land on your foot can affect the impact on your legs.

    I started the program in mid-February, stuck through it to the end, and just completed my first 5k on april 19th. Jogged the whole thing, and in a little under 40 minutes. Was I the best? Absolutely not. Out of 139 people, I was #116 to finish. BUT I DID IT. And you definitely can too. Your body will definitely adjust, but I can't say it ever really gets easy at all. That's because the program demands more from you each week so you're constantly pushing your limits. So many times I wanted to quit but I forced myself to do it and I feel better for it now that I actually finished. So keep up the good work! The mental is harder to battle than the physical - your body knows what it can handle and trust me it can probably handle more than you think.

    Best of luck!
  • I felt like I was gonna die and not finish the program. I even gave up. Then my BF at the time encouraged me to go at it again. I was on the treadmill and decided to take my training outside and run around a very popular running lake. It was tough and it's hard to believe it, but I finished the program. I went from running 30 second intervals to 30 minutes straight. it's hard to believe but it can be done!
  • Totally , I was running 6k on the treadmill and found it very hard , started running outside and found it even harder , but each time it does get easier and you get stronger , the thing I learnt is that recovery and rest is part of the training ☺
  • I know what you mean. I am finishing up week 4 and my legs were in pain the first week even though I was exercising before starting C25K (bike riding on a trainer all winter). Now my legs don't hurt nearly as much as they did in week 1 - so it will get better.
  • I thought it was supposed to be done every other day, not every day.