When is the best time to take vitamins? Or other supplements?

Looking for some advice to keep things on track......


  • pretty much whenever you remember to take them. i take mine in the morning with my other med i have to take, but i don't think time of day actually matters. it's easier to remember to take them if you do so at the same time every day, though.
  • Exactly, I take mine in the morning with breakfast. I leave the bottle with my breakfast food so I don't forget.
  • Don't know if there is best time. Labels generally say take with meal. Take mine in morning before breakfast.
  • Most vitamins should be taken with food, it helps your body utilize them. I take mine with breakfast,
  • I think as long as you take them, that's all that matters. When I take 'big pills' or ones with lots of iron, I have to do it at night because I get sick to my stomach. So I get the gummies now and that's a nice change :)
  • When the dr prescribes them.
  • Eat meals with a little fat if you are taking fat soluble vitamins. Those are vitamins A, D, K and E.
  • I never remember to take mine in the morning but for some reason I remember every night right after dinner to take them, I guess it's become a habit now.
  • I take mine every morning on an empty stomach but I know that doesn't work for everyone. The only thing I take at night is a second dose of my joint supps. It's just become habit now.
  • i take mine after i eat food. my vitamins are only once a day so i usually take them first thing in the morning after bfast.
  • I take mine at different times during the day, only cause a couple of things (like zinc) shouldn't be taken with other meds, and others because it's recommended to take a couple times a day (fish oil). Mostly first thing in the morning before I make my coffee. Since I won't forget my coffee it means I wont forget to take my vitamins :P