Step tracker

My step tracker has stopped working. Is anyone else having this problem?


  • MFP did make an announcement stating that step trackers may not sync correctly from 5/5 to 5/7, due to updates. My Fitbit's steps have been all wonky too. You may see yours showing too few steps, too many steps, or no steps at all. I would just wait a day or two to see if the kinks work themselves out. I know its annoying, but this is an issue on MFP's end. Maybe just manually log the amount of calories you would normally burn from your steppage at the end of the day? Good luck!

    Here is the original announcement, and here is the announcement from today, just in case you wanted to give them a read!
  • Thank you, I didn't see this. I am showing no activity which is reducing my calories, so that explains it.
  • With all do respect to the MFP team who pointed out the 5/5-5/7 problems, MFP hasn't been able to track a single step since ~4/28/2015. No one. Not once.

    Major bummer.