runners: after injury how to go about restarting marathon training (6 weeks out)

on April 12th I injured my groin with a grade II groin strain. I was put on rest from running but was able to do non weight bearing exercises for the last three weeks (eliptical, water jogging, strenght training) which i have done. yesterday was my first run (okay really a jog since im a plodder at 12:00 miles)i went three miles pain free and feel good today, groin is a little tight but not sore.

so up to april 12th I was up to my longest run at 14 miles. training plan called for two 8 miles runs and one 16 on my long run days in the weeks I missed. longhest run in training was set to be a 20 miler three weeks out and then taper.

how would you approach getting back into training, so as not to set myself up fro reinjury? my goal is just to complete this marathon as its my first and i was never going for time. heck even in my most fittest condition as a plodder i was looking at a 5:30 finsih.


  • To set the context of my post, (you probably know this but) there is an inverse relationship between volume and intensity. As one goes up, the other goes down. If both variables remain high, injuries occur.

    I would suggest high volume (frequency) initially, with low intensity (relative to what would be considered intense for yourself). So, running more frequently with longer recover times and avoiding fatigue will prime the CNS for greater future workload.

    Listen to your body. If there are warning signs listen. A day or two off will not impact the long term progression, but pushing through pain could elicit unnecessary injuries.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Qualified professional.
  • What is the date of your race? If you still have 4-5 weeks, you could try for the 16 miler you missed if you feel up to it, and then maybe the 20 if you can (or scale back to 18), and then do a taper of 12 miles and 8 miles pre-race. But definitely keep all the miles easy, and keep doing whatever PT exercises you've been given to make sure you don't restrain your groin even closer to race day.