Work on my arms

I am doing wonderful job with my weight lost. Any suggestions with working on my arms. I don't want every thing to slim down but my arm. Help!


  • You can't spot reduce so you will have to just be patient.

    Your best bet for maintaining muscle you already have is a structured weightlifting program such as strong lifts.
  • Ok thanks so much
  • You can do some bicep and tricep exercises for your arms but keep it a very low weight and a lot of reps to keep your arms toned with your weight loss. If you go with heavy weights, your arms could stay bulkier. There's a big difference between wanting to have big arms or toned arms. Even something really small like a 5 pound weight would be fine. the more reps, the better.
  • Actually, women do not and cannot bulk up like men. To get a physique like a female body builder, you'd have to live in the gym and lift far heavier than any of us women could manage.

    Go to or to get some good exercises for women. My physical therapist told me not to lift for biceps and triceps on the same day because these muscles work against each other.

    Lastly, if you find the weight you chose easy to do, then go up a few lbs and do fewer reps. You want to feel the burn after about 8 reps if you're lifting hand weights. But try for three sets of 10. Grunting is completely acceptable.
  • Fitness Blender (as mentioned above) has a really great bunch of videos targeting arms. My favorite is "Strong, Lean, Toned Arms, Chest and Shoulders Workout - Lift Like you Mean It!" which sounds scary, but it's actually very good and attainable even for a beginner - it just all depends on the amount of weight you use.
  • Thanks you guys! :)