Vivofit not syncing with MFP

My vivofit is not syncing with MFP. It worked this morning when I synced it and have tried several times since my morning workout and it is not syncing. I have 3162 steps so far, but MFP is only recognizing 311 steps total so far. Anyone else having this issue today.


  • MFP did make an announcement stating that step trackers may not sync correctly from 5/5 to 5/7, due to updates. My Fitbit's steps have been all wonky too. You may see yours showing too few steps, too many steps, or no steps at all. I would just wait a day or two to see if the kinks work themselves out. I know its annoying, but this is probably an issue on MFP's end. Maybe just manually log the amount of calories you would normally burn from your steppage at the end of the day? Good luck!
  • Thanks for the info. I never saw the announcement so this is very helpful.
  • I never saw it either but it's very frustrating. I expect in future this will be part of the paid app!
  • I only saw it when I went looking. I had to wade through the technical forums and the help desk area. Its a shame these announcements aren't more visible, but at least I know to keep an eye on that area now.
  • I never saw it either but it's very frustrating. I expect in future this will be part of the paid app!

    And while I hate to admit it, that's how I feel too. Introducing a paid version always means the free version is doomed.