fitbit charge hr

Does anyone use the fibit charge hr? Is it worth it? What do you like and what done you like about it?


  • I have one! I love it! It makes me realise just how little I can do if I'm having a lazy day. And also holds be accountable for and makes me want to hit my step targets. It syncs well with My fitness pal too. The HR monitor is brilliant too!THe only thing I don't like is that it doesn't Cound your stairs climbed in a stepper.
    Other than that, I'm so glad I bought it
    I had the fitbit flex before the HR, and the HR is miles better
  • I have it. I think it's great for tracking steps and getting me to move my butt more. I also like that it counts the stairs climbed. As far as the HR monitor, I'm on the fence. I like that I now know my resting heart rate, but I've worn it during workouts along with my polar HR monitor just to see how even the tracking was. My polar always showed that I burned more calories during my workouts and I don't know if that is because it is worn nearer to my heart. The fitbit is on the wrist and if I'm moving around a lot, it can slip up or down which in my mind means maybe that is why the calories burned may be lower. So I still tend to rely on my polar to keep track of calories burned. But I do love the fitbit for tracking my daily lunch walks, not having to slap it 5 times to go into sleep mode at night and also for getting me to move more and keep me accountable during the day.
  • I think it's brilliant.

    Thought it would be a bit gimmicky but it works very well and is certainly motivational. Will be getting my wife one when I can afford it...