Road Trip Snacks

What are your favorite road trip snacks? About to drive 7 hours and need an alternative to ALL THE CANDY!


  • Beef jerky, popcorn, trail mix (either make your own from the bulk bins or buy something natural & not loaded with excess sugar), sandwiches (should probably eat them early-on in the road trip if you don't have a cooler). You can also stop at a grocery store halfway through and buy fresh lunchmeat, cheeses, etc.

    Basically, anything you would normally eat that's easy to eat in the car!

    Also, it's only 7 hours. Eat a meal before you get in the car, take a meal with you to eat (sandwich, chips, etc.), and try NOT gorging on snacks the entire trip. Think about it this way - if you were at home, would you be snacking the whole 7 hours? Probably not.
  • Yeah, it's not a road trip without snacks, especially Twizzlers. Here's what I do:

    Pack a reasonable amount of candy that fits into my calorie goals (give away or toss the rest of the package).
    Pack a reasonable amount of popcorn and/or jerky.
    Pack a boatload of stuff I can eat to my heart's content, like carrot sticks, celery, raw green beans, raw snow peas.
    Try to eat a lot of items 2 and 3 before I bust open item 1.
  • Whatever you would eat during the day/night only put it in the cooler. But I do admit, I luv CANDY myself lol. Maybe load up on extra dry dry protein so you'll be so thirsty you'll have to stop ever 5min cuz drank so much.
  • I would take some Quest bars and/or Quest chips. Beef jerky and popcorn are also good ideas. If you're taking a cooler, your possibilities are nearly endless. You can pack fruit and/or vegetables, sandwiches, etc.

    If this road trip is part of a vacation, I'd eat whatever the hell snacks I wanted to eat. If that included a bunch of candy, chips, and sweets, so be it. Calories don't count on vacation. :smile: When I drove 8 hours to Orlando with my husband last year, I snacked on Tim Tams, Cheez-Its, Goldfish crackers, Swedish Fish, and Little Debbie cakes (Jelly Cream Pies and Swiss Rolls).
  • Loving these suggestions! I am getting ready to road trip and I have started thinking about packing individual sized snacks for myself since hubby can eat virtually anything :smiley:
  • We took a trip for vacation. I packed fruit, boiled eggs.. I suggest peeling them.. I went wrong there... protein bars, fiber bars. I splurged a bit on my vacation but not in excess. I had a 5 pound gain and now 3 days later all but a pound is gone.
  • PeachyPlum wrote: »
    Yeah, it's not a road trip without snacks, especially Twizzlers.

    ^ Exactly! gotta have Twizzlers or it's not a road trip!

    I like apples and bananas, baby carrots (I can't believe they kill them they're babies, just so we can eat them!), jerky, sliced meats, string cheese, caramel rice cakes, sunflower seeds in the shell (spit the shell into an empty bottle or can).

    I don't rule out "junk" food altogether, but for me I have to portion out just a bit in a sandwich bag while the rest goes where I can't easily get it. I then eat just one chip at a time, savoring each one, and taking time between each one, rather than stuffing my gob as fast as I can so my kids don't eat it all, as I used to do.

    I also like to pack my own sandwiches for lunches so we can stop in a park and eat, rather than in some fast-food restaurant. Maybe go for a short walk before packing up and heading down the road.

  • dry roasted edamame, questbars, raw veggies like bell peppers or baby carrots, fruit//