How to do a strength training routine when working shifts?

So I work 12.5 hr shifts 3 to 4 days a week and some weeks do agency work on top. So for example my work schedule for June is as follows:

wk starting 1st - 4th to 7th = free
wk starting 8th - 8th + 11th + 12th + 14th = working
wk starting 15th - 17th + 18th + 21st = working
wk starting 22nd - 24th + 26th + 27th = working

June is quite a nice month actually.

How can I work out a routine (pref sl 5x5) where the workout days change each week?


  • My husband does 4 days on, 4 days off...2 days 2 nights...

    He fits it in.

    Weight lifting doesn't take a long time so you fit it in when you can ensuring you have rest days.

    For example when I was lifting with my husband we would lift after his 2 day shifts...take 3 days off, lift on his 2nd and 3rd day off and take a day off repeat.
  • You list 10 working days there. You can absolutely fit a lifting schedule in. They don't have to be the same day every week.
  • I would have two days of weight training in a row plus one day set apart each week. Like so:

    4th, 5th, 7th
    9th, 10th, 13th
    15th, 16th, 19th
    22nd, 23rd, 25th

    I know that the general rule is to have a rest day between training but, in my experience, I can handle two days in a row if the third is a rest day. I don't do SL5x5 though so YMMV.
  • It doesn't matter that the days during the week change. I have to change days often, the key is to create your plan week by week. You can plan total body when you have work days in between if you.

    As long as you do it and create a schedule you can do it.
  • but I shouldn't train two days in a row right?
  • debrag12 wrote: »
    but I shouldn't train two days in a row right?

    For full body it's not ideal, especially when everything gets heavier. You may do better with a split, but that's up to you and your schedule.
  • You're going to have to work that out for yourself. It is an oft-repeated mantra but I have found that I am fine with 2 days in a row. I have also read a fair bit about women being able to train more often than men.
  • debrag12 wrote: »
    but I shouldn't train two days in a row right?
    Ideally no, but you can do it.
    I'm doing stronglifts right now (Sun/Tues/Thurs) and I had a very busy Sunday and ended up missing my workout. So I made up for it by working out Monday and Tuesday so now I'm back on track.