Home Gym

I have a Life Fitness home gym and a Pacemaster Treadmill and a Total Gym and I love them all. With the total gym you can get pretty creative in different excercises you do, Chuck Norris uses it and swears by it. I like mixing my excercises up and trying different combinations to limit the boredom and it works well for me. I am 55 years old and diabetic and have had quadruple bypass surgery, which I would not wish on my worst enemy, please avoid it at all costs. I still struggle with my weight as I have always been a big eater and was always told I had to eat everything on my plate before I could leave the table. So that's how I became a big eater....always the battle rages on.....trying to teach yourself new eating habits isn't an easy thing but I am getting better at it.....


  • Buy smaller plates. Chuck Norris would. B)

  • Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands, afterwords, they were renamed "The Islands".