Insanity workout

What do you think about Insanity by Shaun T? Have you done it? Do you really have to drink their shakeology to get results I saw on the internet?


  • You don't have to drink Shakeology. All you need to get results (lose fat) is eat at a deficit.

    I've done it and it is indeed insane. Even the people doing the workout in the video don't do it completely; they take breaks here and there. It's a lot of cardio and personally, I'm not a huge fan of cardio so I didn't stick with it beyond 3 weeks or so, but that doesn't mean you won't like it.
  • Shakeology is not required. I did one complete round of Insanity and it gets its name honest. It is very intense and I would say it is not for beginners. What is your current fitness level? If youre in pretty decent shape I would say go for it but if youre a beginner I would start somewhere else and work toward Insanity.
  • I'm doing it now, Saturday will complete week 3. I too get bored with cardio, so I'm going to switch it up and do Insanity 3 days a week, and heavy lifting 3 days a week. No Shakeology. It's a VERY hard workout, but I've seen a lot of improvement in my endurance over the last three weeks.
  • I've done the whole program twice and still do the month 2 workouts a couple times a week. They're definitely tough and doing it six days a week will both get you in better shape and take it's toll on your body (I would take an extra day off each week, it'll add a week or two to the program but that's fine). I've got great endurance gains out of it though. I really enjoy hiking and backpacking and before I started doing Insanity a 7 mile hike was on the long side for me, especially if it involved climbing a mountain. Last weekend I did 12 miles with over 2000 feet of gain and wasn't tired or sore afterwards at all. I credit nearly all of that improvement to doing Insanity workouts on a regular basis.
  • I stick with good old fashioned gym workouts but, my brother tried insanity and loved it. He lost lots of weight just doing the program itself. He never bought the drink and still had amazing results from it. Give it a shot, what have you got to lose besides any unwanted weight?! ;)
  • Shakeology is not required. I did one complete round of Insanity and it gets its name honest. It is very intense and I would say it is not for beginners. What is your current fitness level? If youre in pretty decent shape I would say go for it but if youre a beginner I would start somewhere else and work toward Insanity.

    I'm active, 4 days a week of cardio and sometimes 5 days. I'm about to start it on Monday and I think I will survive it haha
  • I stick with good old fashioned gym workouts but, my brother tried insanity and loved it. He lost lots of weight just doing the program itself. He never bought the drink and still had amazing results from it. Give it a shot, what have you got to lose besides any unwanted weight?! ;)

    Agree with you! Thank you xo
  • profilce wrote: »
    Shakeology is not required. I did one complete round of Insanity and it gets its name honest. It is very intense and I would say it is not for beginners. What is your current fitness level? If youre in pretty decent shape I would say go for it but if youre a beginner I would start somewhere else and work toward Insanity.

    I'm active, 4 days a week of cardio and sometimes 5 days. I'm about to start it on Monday and I think I will survive it haha

    It humbles you very quickly.
  • It's no joke, that's for sure. I finished it at the beginning of the year and loved it. I didn't buy Shakeology or any of the supplements; I just tracked my calories and macros on here, and was pleased with my results.