Logging - Map my walk v MFP

Have just started to walk to work, 2.5 miles each way....

Logged it on Map My Walk, which has all the same details as MFP. The calories burned on Map My Walk has it as 333 calories, whereas MFP has them as 241.

Why the difference? And which do I use?


  • Interesting...because when I use Strava, a bicycle tracking ap, it always is way under MFP for calories burned. I use the lesser number as I am told the MFP calories usually over estimate...however your results are the opposite. I guess I would use MFP in your case.
  • Is your weight the same in map my walk as it is here?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    MFP goes by the time you spend doing the exercise. MapMyWalk (and Strava) track elevation changes and your speed, which should be a little more accurate.

    And Toof is correct, you need make sure your weight/age/gender is correctly entered. That's part of the calorie equation.
  • Do you have MFP and MapMyWalk connected (synced) or do you enter the same workout in each? I use MapMyRun to record walks or runs and it automatically puts it into MFP with the same calorie burn.