C25K PRO Advice

I have been walking for a month. I have repeated week 1 day 1 of c25k several times. Today I made it through 6 of the 8 runs. I am hoping by the end of the week I can finish day 1 completely. I am obese.

When do I move on to day 2? i definetly cant hold a conversation when I am running. Also some days I have to use the treadmill. I incline at 2. Is this correct?

What walking/running speeds do you use?

Do you have any advice to help me?


  • Hi - nice work! Sounds like you are making good progress - as someone who has been injured from ramping up the running too quickly, I suggest you take it slow and be kind to yourself. Running at a 2% incline is not necessary in my opinion, also slow down. If you are running on the treadmill at 4.2 take it down to 4.0....see how that feels. The key in the beginning is to be consistent and not so hard on your body that you quit in a few weeks. Think of running as a life time fitness activity. Good luck. I finally worked back up to a 5K after 2 years of barely being able to walk a mile after a foot injury - the only way I did this was patience and a lot of set backs. Dont give up.
  • Slow down, you can run slower than you walk.
    If you can't hold a conversation, definitely slow down and then slow down some more.

    Once you slow down you'll probably make it through W1D1, once you do, move onto W1D2.

    Keep the pace slow and you will get there. Once you can run for 30+min 3 times a week, then you can worry about speed, but that comes easiest by simply running more.
  • Thank you. I started walking at 2.0 Could barely go 5 minutes. I can walk at least 30 minutes now more if I stick to walking only.

    Now I walk at 3.0 and run at 4.0 Do you think I should stick with this and keep repeating Day 1 unil I can hold a conversation while running?

    My main goal with c25k is to be able to run. I dont want to injure myself. I feel great when walking and running and am in it for the long haul. I just know I am going to be able to run a mile someday and that makes me happy.
  • Ok great. I was typing when you replied. I will slow down and make it through all of day 1. Thank you both so much.
  • I'm curious: Which C25k program are you following?

    I just ask because the one I found has all three days for week 1 as the same exact times for runs and walks. In fact, it's not until week 5 that the walks/jogs varying within a single week. The weeks leading up change but each have 3 days of the same intervals.

    Here is one C25k program: coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    I also had found a podcast but I noticed the intervals were very different on that one then the one I found online. It had longer jogs in the earlier weeks than this site listed. So, there are a few options out there for Couch to 5k programs.
  • Take your time. The only one you are competing with is yourself. I did C25k and had to repeat a lot. You are doing great. I was very fat and gradually lost 84 lbs. Keep up the good work, and Roll Tide.
  • I clicked on the link because of my interest in C25k ... stayed when I saw OP's profile pic! Roll Tide!! '87 grad here! I finished the C25k program the beginning of April this year (I used Running Mates). I had to repeat many weeks but just did my first 5k this past Saturday! I'm certainly no expert but seems like 4.0 is pretty ambitious ... especially if you are just starting out and haven't built up your endurance yet. I'm adding my 2 cents with the others, to slow down a bit. I bet you'll breeze right through it then. Give us an update.
  • What a great attitude you have! Well done for sticking with it.
  • I want to let all of you know that I woke up so motivated this morning. I got on the treadmill and was able to jog nicely at 3.5. I am going to stick with that for awhile.

    DawnEmbers - I am using the C25KPro app. It is funny because I never checked what Day 2 is like. It could be the same as Day 1. I guess I am going to finish Day 1 tonight at a 3.5 run and then move on to Day 2 next time.

    And for all the Bama fans here . RollTide!!
  • I'm doing C25K as well. My next run is the dreaded W5 D3. I think you took the right advice in slowing down. I mostly run on my treadmill and my jogging portions are currently at 3.6. I just recently dropped from 3.8 now that I'm getting to the longer jogs and I've felt it has helped me push through just fine! Good luck! Geaux LSU Tigers ;)
  • hnm921 wrote: »
    I'm doing C25K as well. My next run is the dreaded W5 D3. I think you took the right advice in slowing down. I mostly run on my treadmill and my jogging portions are currently at 3.6. I just recently dropped from 3.8 now that I'm getting to the longer jogs and I've felt it has helped me push through just fine! Good luck! Geaux LSU Tigers ;)

    Thanks for the support. I am so excited because I know eventually I will not be a couch potato. I will be a runner. Nice job on the runs.

    I saw what you did there with those Tigers. :wink: