Women Running Alone

I took up running about a year ago and quickly fell in love with it. As a beginner, I started running with my dog around my neighborhood in the mornings. For some reason, just a couple miles 5-6 times per week & I noticed such a difference. I built muscle, felt better, lost inches, etc.

I live in an area with a long, cold winter & I sort of fell off the wagon & stopped running. In the meantime, my dog got an injury & can no longer run with me. For some reason, I'm absolutely terrified to run without her! Last year there was a serial rapist raping women who were out running or walking alone. He was actually caught & arrested several months ago. However, I still have this major fear of being out alone without my canine running buddy. Any advice on getting over this? Do any other women have this fear? Even I stick to busy streets, I just feel very tense the whole time & I'm literally looking over my shoulder constantly.


  • I don't blame you! I don't run a ton but when I do its by myself.. BUT.. I live in the country and I know most of the neighbors (and I am only running like 2 miles lol so I'm not going far).. if it were me - I would have my phone in my hand.. no ear buds (so you can hear whats going on) and I would carry a thing of pepper spray too. BUUUUT>. I'm a paranoid one lol I would feel the same way you do.
  • Try to find a running buddy
  • Thanks. I wish I had a running buddy. I don't know anyone at a similarly beginner level that runs & lives nearby. I live in an urban area & the attacks actually happened in my general neighborhood within a mile or two of my house. I still ran despite that though because I felt some protection with my dog. I'm thinking of getting pepper spray. Maybe it would at the very least help me feel a little more secure.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I remember a paper a while back that showed the majority of rapists were deterred by women that carried themselves well and were strong individuals (not necessarily physical strength), and we're more likely to target reserved / shy individuals.

    Something to keep in mind when outside alone. If you look like you'll scream or fight back they probably won't target you.

    I'm glad the one in your neighborhood was caught, and it seems like he may have been an exception.

    Edit: I found the study I was thinking of. It was by Betty Grayson and Morris I. Stein. Not sure if you can find a free version of the paper or not, but that's the one if you're interested.
  • Sadly, I would not run alone. 99% of the time, it would be fine.

    In Sydney, Montana, last year, a school teacher went running by herself in the morning. Some guys grabbed her...Sydney, Montana is (used to be) the safest place in the world.

    Get a treadmill.
  • Unfortunately I too have this fear. I know it is unreasonable but I cannot get past it. It is what made me stop running until I got a running buddy.

    She is too fast for me though so now I have paid to join a field and track club so that I can run on a secure track. I mostly have it to myself due to the time of day I go. I love it! Its not as exciting as running in wild nature but its outside.
  • Is there a busy park you can run in

    Follow basic safety protocols

    But if too anxious, head to a gym or get a treadmill

    Yes, it's a horrible but necessary consideration when exercising alone
  • The thought of safety other than my visibility in the dark and the correct shoes for the terrain had never entered my head before reading this.

    Could you get a personal attack alarm? They aren't heavy but are very, very loud. Maybe talk to your community Police officer also so that they can put your mind at ease.
  • I totally understand your problem. I stopped running so much over winter for similar reasons - not wanting to run in the dark in a city, but what got me started again was running along one of the main roads during rush hour - not so great on the lungs but i felt safe with a constant stream of cars going passed. It was close to work rather than home so I parked a few miles up the road and got the bus the final way in the morning and ran back to my car in the evening. Worked as a good motivator when the weather was rubbish as I had to run to get home.
    Since then I've found a busy park to run round which I stop at again on my way home from work. Every time I've been there are 2 or 3 others doing laps at the sametime.
    I like the ideas others have suggested about attack alarms and pepper spray. Think I'll get one myself
  • Busy park- where I run after work has a lot of other runners and walkers so there is always a lot of people around. Or go to the pound and get another running buddy....
  • I dont have any problems with running alone either across country, along the canal or through the town. But I am lucky enough to live in a very pleasant area and know loads of people roundabout so embarrassment at the way I look in running gear is usually my main concern. I always have my phone and a friend has all the info to track it/me. I also try to let someone know where I'm running and how long I will be. Although even when I was at least 45 mins late back once due to stopping to chat, my soon to be ex husband wasn't worried about me!

    I think its sensible to carry a rape alarm or similar if you are concerned, but please dont let the possibility of one nutcase attempting to harm you be the reason to not carry on doing something you love.
  • When I started running we didn't own a dog, so I kept a small hand gun and my hunting knife strapped to my hip during my runs. Because there is really no "good" neighborhood to run in in my town I wanted to be extra careful. I'm not sure how your gun laws are though for your city or state, but I would highly consider it or at least carrying a knife or pepper spray. After my husband rescued our dog and got him used to running with me around the yard, I only carry my knife on my runs.

    You can do that or you could invest in a treadmill, or join a gym and run there until your dog gets better.
  • I haven't had problems when running, but I do know it can be an issue. In NYC there have been a number of incidents where women were attacked while running in the park. I tend to run in a public area where there are other people rather than along an isolated path. I do notice I'm more tense when it's like 5AM though even if there are other people around.
  • Thanks so much for your responses. Unfortunately, I think my dog has a torn acl so I don't think running is in her near future (which is a shame because she loves it as well). I have been thinking of joining a gym to run on a treadmill. I really love running outdoors though. Thanks again. I'm going to get some pepper spray, stay alert, find a way to stop at a busy Park, and give it one more try.
  • As a husband, the thought of my wife running alone terrifies me. Luckily, we have a treadmill that she loves.

    I can't run with her as my pace is much faster than hers. A run for her would be a brisk walk for me.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I keep on running in solitaire places because I rather like running without nasty guys shouting nasty things at my bouncing butt every 5 minutes. But I had a few problematic encounters in the past while running or cycling alone wich I solved by comfronting them and making them run away scared of me ;). Fortunately I´m tall and not shy at all. Carrying a gun or a knife is not an option here in Europe (we´re not so fond of weapons as Americans). I seriously advice you taking up self defence classes. And never, never go without your cell phone and without telling someone where you´ll be running.
  • Buy a handgun, take a course, practice using it (especially when winded from a run), use a shoulder harness when you run. Unfortunately, we live in a world that allows people to prey on those who won’t take measures to protect themselves.
  • Buy a handgun, take a course, practice using it (especially when winded from a run), use a shoulder harness when you run. Unfortunately, we live in a world that allows people to prey on those who won’t take measures to protect themselves.

    I'm not sure I like this advice

    But then I live in a country where we don't carry arms so I just think the concept exacerbates the dangers. In stranger attacks it is more likely that you will be grabbed and wrestled with, risking arming your assailant

  • Take some self defense classes since it will help you 1, defend yourself and 2, carry yourself with more confidence.

    Run with a whistle
    get the Road ID app so your partner/friend/mom/dad/whatever can follow your run and be alerted if you stop moving for 5min.

    Get a second dog.

    Join a running club and run with them. if you have a specialty running shop near by, they probably have a group.
  • rabbitjb wrote: »
    Buy a handgun, take a course, practice using it (especially when winded from a run), use a shoulder harness when you run. Unfortunately, we live in a world that allows people to prey on those who won’t take measures to protect themselves.

    I'm not sure I like this advice

    But then I live in a country where we don't carry arms so I just think the concept exacerbates the dangers. In stranger attacks it is more likely that you will be grabbed and wrestled with, risking arming your assailant

    Men attack women because they are in a power position (stronger and/or already armed). If you’re properly trained and aware of your surroundings, he won’t get the drop on you and you won’t be losing your weapon.