LOW carb and HIGH protein

I am looking to do a low carb and very high protein diet, I need to do this long term because I am diabetic and lowering my carb and insulin intake is going to help me tremendously. I keep eating the same things and I'm getting bored, what are your favorite go to meals and snacks? Breakfast lunch and dinner?


  • Dead animals. Pocket eggs (boiled eggs). Loads of cheese. Cottage cheese. Jerkey.
  • Suggest you go to the Groups section of MFP... Find and join the Low Carbers Forum group. Low carb is not well accepted on the main forums.
  • Eat lots of low calorie vegetables like kale, swiss chard, romaine, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, bok choy, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, bell peppers, okra, and cucumbers.
    Eat beef, chicken, pork, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy, nuts, and sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
    Eat fats and oils like butter, sour cream, low sugar salad dressings. :)
    Limit fruit.
    Limit bread/cereal/ pasta/ pizza/potatoes/rice.
  • My favorite recipe for high protein, low carbs is chicken and onions. It's super easy and fast to cook. Also easy to accessorize with vegetables or a small amount of a lower carb Side.

    8oz chicken tenderloin (frozen)
    2 medium yellow onions sliced
    1.5 tbsp. Butter or margarine

    Spray pan with cooking spray. Then melt butter. Once butter is melted, add the chicken and cook for 5 minutes on medium heat. Flip chicken and add onions. Cook until the onions are soft. Serve alone or with rice or another vegetable.
  • linsalaco wrote: »
    My favorite recipe for high protein, low carbs is chicken and onions. It's super easy and fast to cook. Also easy to accessorize with vegetables or a small amount of a lower carb Side.

    8oz chicken tenderloin (frozen)
    2 medium yellow onions sliced
    1.5 tbsp. Butter or margarine

    Spray pan with cooking spray. Then melt butter. Once butter is melted, add the chicken and cook for 5 minutes on medium heat. Flip chicken and add onions. Cook until the onions are soft. Serve alone or with rice or another vegetable.

    2 servings at 207 calories

  • I am looking to do a low carb and very high protein diet, I need to do this long term because I am diabetic and lowering my carb and insulin intake is going to help me tremendously. I keep eating the same things and I'm getting bored, what are your favorite go to meals and snacks? Breakfast lunch and dinner?

    Talk to your dr and ask for a meal plan, do not experiment with macros if you are diabetic. There are pretty standard guidelines on how to eat as a diabetic Depending on what meds you take, weight, other conditions etc, you might make things worse. If you are considering soemthing Atkins-like, which is what I understood, you cannot start while on insuline or other diabetes medication, at least not without carefully discussing your plan with your dr.
  • I am looking to do a low carb and very high protein diet, I need to do this long term because I am diabetic and lowering my carb and insulin intake is going to help me tremendously. I keep eating the same things and I'm getting bored, what are your favorite go to meals and snacks? Breakfast lunch and dinner?

    Flavorgod seasonings is the answer.. I myself live off of basically just chicken, rice, and turkey. Yea, it can get boring, but you'll look pretty good and it'll help you get stronger. My advice- cook your food differently. Bake it, grill it, fry it (cooking spray), and flavorgod. That stuff will make anything taste incredible.
  • Veg, meat, nuts, peanut butter, fish, protein shakes, eggs
  • I am looking to do a low carb and very high protein diet, I need to do this long term because I am diabetic and lowering my carb and insulin intake is going to help me tremendously.

    Why very high protein? That does not seem ideal.

    I'd definitely talk to your doctor and ask for a referral to a dietician, first and foremost, and also (less important, but likely helpful) check out the groups here for Type II diabetes (if you are Type II, I am assuming if Type I you'd already be under medical care and have the eating requirements worked out) and low carbers.
  • I am a type 1 diabetic on a pump. Personally I shoot for under 100 g carbs per day and over 100 g of protein. I find when I lower my carbs below that I run low a lot and have to constantly feed my lows which defeats the purpose. But everyone is different, when I was in my 20's I could live off of anything that said 100 calorie pack on it and drop 2-3 lbs per week. Now that I am 34 its a completely different story, I try to eat for health reasons instead as I was very careless with my diabetes when I was younger. Most days all 100 g of carbs come from fruit and vegtables, I tend to stay away from breads, flours, pasta and rice for the most part, but I do have them occasionally.
  • But sorry, to answer your question I normally have either a protein shake or 1 egg, 2 egg whites and some sort of fruit. For lunch I grill or bake a big batch of chicken on Sunday and split it up. I usually have either chicken with some sort of vegtables or I make a chicken salad. Dinner is meat and a vegtable or some sort. Snacks tend to be cottage cheese, greek yogurt, coffee, herbal tea and I usually eat a protein bar before I workout to keep my blood sugar level.
  • chicken, lean ground turkey (sometimes extra), lean ground beef, steak (not often!), eggs, eggwhites, bacon, prosciutto di Parma, protein powder (sometimes)