Struggling to drop total caloric intake after mini bulking

Having increased my caloric intake significantly with the objective of gradually bulking and I ensured simultaneously I stuck to my continued compound lifting exercises which started with all pro's routine both beginner and intermediate followed by the 5 by 5 stronglifts program.

I'm looking at gradually dropping my calories and i need advise as to how to do this as to honest I'm struggling. To be specific the struggle is not so much during the day as I disciplned myself to eat clean during the day ...

The struggle is after dinner i.e. if you have a look at my food diary for 07/05/2015 and compare this with the previous day you will notice across the list after the cottage cheese in my dinner my diet is varied and this is when I got in the required excess calories for the bulk but with summer around the corner I believe a month of balanced cardio and lifting plus gradually dropping my caloric intake to 1800 would lead to my drop in weight from just over 70 back to the mid 60's range.

Any ideas as to how to gradually stop bulking and getting into that cutting mode?


  • When going on cut I fool myself with adding lots of low calorie vegetables everywhere.
    Add lots of chopped spinach and cherry tomatoes to bacon and eggs. And make sure you finish your plate.
    Make sure you eat certain amount of say cooked brocolli with dinner.
    Plain vegetables can't keep me satiated for longer that an hour, but if I sneak them in it seems to work.
    Also, come on, it's called willpower.
  • THANKS morowinder ... BTW before posting any other suggestions i've uploaded latest pics of myself .. you can compare this with the 1st 4 pics in my gallery which were in dec 2014 ... also my waist size was 29.5 inches now its smack on 31 .. i would like to drop this to 29.5 inches by end june/start of july without losing the muscle i put onn (lol if any) during winter ... another incentive is my bday falls in the 1st week of july so that would be nice too
  • Do it slow. I cut at a 10%-15% deficit. Low fat greek yoghurt, low fat cuts of meat and fish, sweet potatoes and veg veg veg. Omega 3 tablets galore. Daily treats, and skinny lattes for the caffeine appetite suppressant.
    On training days, pre load before with plenty of carbs. The challenge is afterwards. I hate cutting and training at the same time. My appetite is a monster.