Best beginner core exercises

I am brand new to strength/resistance training. I was looking around on the ACE fitness website trying to find some kind of beginners workout or 12 week challenge that I could use to start building muscle. They are all too hard for me as of right now. I have always struggled with my weight so I have never had any kind of upper body strength or core muscles. Everything I have found is about planks, side planks, and crunches. I can kind of do the planks (I look ridiculous, but hey at least i'm trying), side planks are out of the question (I can't even get off the floor), and I can't do crunches because of my back. I have had bad posture my whole life. I am 31 years old and have always walked with my head down and shoulders forward due to really low self esteem. Now I have a curve to my spine. I also have tons of back pain. I am hoping by strengthening my core muscles it helps the pain and posture issue. There has got to be exercises I can do to help me progress to the point that I can do planks and side planks, I just can't seem to find them. Any advice and direction would be greatly appreciated! If it helps, I am 5'5 and 284lbs. I have also changed my eating habits to help lose weight. In the first month I lost 7lbs and 6" off my waist from eating quality calories, drinking plenty of water, doing fitness videos on Comcast on demand(hey, they were free!), and working my way up to walking 2-3 miles a day. Next step for me is learning how to build those muscles and incorporating that into my new lifestyle.


  • I had the same issue when I started and still working on it about 100 days later.

    1. Lose fat. Getting the fat off is good motivation to work hard
    2. Practice good posture. This is obvious, but I mean really practice hard. It's going to hurt for a few weeks, you'll be sore from standing up straight, but it's important because it's the absolute best way to strengthen postural muscles.
    3. Foam roller and mobility exercises. Just google shoulder mobility exercises and do those every day.
    4. Increase flexability by stretching, especially your chest, there's a bunch of YouTube videos on that to get you started.
    5. Strength training with a proven program such as Starting Strength or Stronglifts. This will help retain your muscle while in a caloric deficit as well as strengthen your core with practicle compound movements.

    This is going to take time, and a lot of it. You're going to have to work hard for at least a year to fix your posture completely and start to really feel athletic.

    Feel free to add me if you want any more help or motivation. Like I said, I'm working towards better posture and a healthier lifestyle too.
  • Thanks for the info!
  • Download "ablab" app for smartphone pricey but well worth it.. Gives diet, full 12 week ab workouts, and more!!
  • Squats. It might only be bodyweight squats now, but you have to engage your core to maintain form. Once you get used to it, then start doing front squats. Those will really tax your core muscles.

    Right now, there is no reason for you to target your core. They are small muscles and won’t give you the bang for your buck until you’ve shed the body fat covering them up.