Canned green beans

This is probably a silly question.

Calorie counting canned green beans. The can says there are about 3.5 servings in a can, 120g and 20 cal per serving. That should make about 400 g per can.

I drain and rinse the beans. No liquid. And when I measure the beans I only get around 240 g per can every time I use them. I can't help but think they're including the water in the weight.

So, if I'm having a whole can of beans, should I only use the 240 g I measured, which comes out to two servings and 40 calories- or should I just say the whole can is 3.5 servings and count it as 70 calories?


  • 240g of fresh green beans are 73 calories so I'd log the whole can.
  • Thank you. I didn't even think of looking at that for a comp. Geesh. One of those days.
  • I tend to prefer the fresh or frozen green beans, but the ones I tried with mushrooms were absolutely yummy. Good to have a few on hand. Plus whole can seems do-able, calorie wise.
  • You're welcome, it happens to all of us. :smile: