March 2015 MOVE IT 180-360+ minutes &/or burn 2500-3500+ a Week Challenge


Are you ready to MOVE-IT??!!

May is a great time to re-evaluate your fitness and weight loss goals in order to end the year strong.:wink: This is the perfect time to re-commit or jump start your routine!

What are your fitness goals? Are you still getting in those workouts? Or are you just starting a workout program? Do you need a little more motivation? If so please join us.

We are a group who are committed to doing 180 to 360+ minutes of exercise (minimum 180) or/and burn 2500 to 3500+ (minimum 2500) each week. We count minutes for all types of intentional exercise: aerobics, walking, weight training, strength work, stretching or heavy gardening. You be the judge of whether it's exercise or not.

We're here to support, encourage, and set challenges for ourselves. It's all about intention. If we don't make the 180 to 360+ minutes one week, there's next week to go for it.
The weeks starts every Monday in the month and ends the following Sunday at midnight. Then we start all over again the following Monday for week 2, 3, and 4. (and some months week 5)

Newcomers are always welcome!

If at first you don't succeed, you keep trying...just keep coming back to report progress or doesn't keeps us accountable and that's how we commit to healthy lifestyles. It is a chance to meet new friends and encourage one another along the way.
You can use the form below OR make up your own. So who's in for Week #1,2,3, or 4 sometimes 5??

Week # 1 – May 4th - Goal 180 minutes and/or burn 2500 calories:


Total / min left: 0 / 180
Total / cal left: 0 / 2500


  • @IsMollyReallyHungry usually runs this challenge but it looks like she wants to step away for awhile. Even though I posted a couple days late I hope some of you will join me!
  • Week # 1 – May 4th - Goal 225 minutes :

    Mon: 45 min. Bootcamp
    Tue: 45 min. Bootcamp
    Wed: none

    Total / min left: 90 / 135
  • Is it too late to join? I'm recommitting to my fitness.