
Hello everyone,

I have realized that I am too deconditioned and out of shape to do cardio. I was thinking about starting with a strength training program to try to build up my strength first, then start cardio once I feel like I'm ready to do so. Does that sound like a good idea?

I also have some sort of inflammatory joint/tendon pain that the docs haven't been able to figure out yet, so that makes it harder for me as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • Either way is fine (starting with either strength or cardio.) They both burn calories and will help you get fit so pick the one that seems most interesting to you.

    Check with your doctor to be sure that she feels you are good to exercise and then look into a full body program. A few good programs that you can look up are Strong Curves, Stronglifts 5x5, and New Rules of Lifting for Women. You can find a ton of good videos for form on Youtube or you could ask a friend/family member/personal trainer for guidance on form.
  • Checking with your doctor first is a good idea to see what they think you should be doing. Maybe just start with walking (outdoors or on the treadmill) so your body can get used to moving more. Maybe warm up on the treadmill, then go to the strength training. I don't think lifting helped me prepare for cardio, only cardio can prepare you for cardio! I started being very out of shape but I like the Couch to 5K app that builds you up to running. Good luck :)
  • I would suggest gentle exercise like walking or swimming until you have seen your doctor and found out what your pain/ inflammation is all about
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    If you’re deconditioned, walking should work. If you’re incapable or sustained effort, I’m not sure you’d put enough effort into lifting to make it worth your while. Walk, build up distance and/or speed. Eventually, your body will adapt and you’ll be able to do more and more.
  • A lot of folks do little if any cardio and are pretty fit so it's not a must do. Personally I like the endurance gains I've got from it which is why I continue. When I first started I was so out of shape that walking up a few flights of stairs winded me so I think I know where you're coming from. Just start light, for me it was quick walking and Wii Fit, and work up from there.

    I think the main thing to remember is that to have success you need to keep it up. Don't sabotage yourself with things that are so difficult that you hate doing or just can't do. Success builds success.