DemonElvis wrote: » Okay, everybody listen up. If you're really having extreme cravings, just eat what you're craving. Have a cheat day once a week. Im not saying have an all-out binge, but having a cheat day is perfectly acceptable, unless you just started dieting. Maybe wait until you're about a month in, and then start incorporating ONE cheat day a week. As long as you don't eat until you're sick, it won't ruin your progress. Yes, you'll have more weight the next day, but that is from water retention, and this can actually give your metabolism a minor boost. On top of that, it helps you be more strict during the other six days of the week, knowing that you can eat what you want on that seventh day. Trust me, it works.
DemonElvis wrote: » Well yeah, do whatever works for you. But what I'm saying is, if you have a cheat day once a week, it's nothing to feel guilty about. If you eat bad once a week, it's not going to hurt you, just like if you are good once a week, it wouldn't help you. Whatever you do consistently is what will affect you.