Mixing cardiovascular and strength training after problems with muscle spasms.

Ok, first my primary goal is to lose weight, I know of the benefits of strength training has in this capacity. However, I keep experiencing muscle spasms in abdominal area with even light activity. I'm talking like 10-15 seconds into a plank, a muscle can totally lock up. The doctors have not found any thing wrong and just tell me rest and keep giving me muscle relaxers.

So, I'm thinking i still need to lose weight, and just de-emphasize the strength training somewhat. So my plan, with my gym right next to where I work. Is to do 45 minutes of cardio, (interval stuff, with a HRM, no coasting), and 15 minutes of strength training----muscle specific. 1 day would be arms, 1 day would be shoulders, 1 day would be back, so forth. I'd ignore the abdominal area for now, my thinking being with a good loss of weight, this problem might resolve itself, basically resting that area as doctor suggests.

(Why this way, you might ask? Well 45 minutes is about the time of a network show, sans commercials. I take my tablet with me and one episode of something on it, one episode, one gym session. I have lost 8 pounds doing this. I call it "Arrowcising" ---so guess which show I caught up on while doing this?) At this moments 45 minutes of HIIT is kicking my butt... working my way up to 60, so I can start on Daredevil!!!! ;p

That's all cardio tho, while weight LOSS is the primary goal (for now) I know strength training is important, but to "nurse" whatever this ailment is along, is there benefit to doing about 15 minutes of a targeted muscle group prior to finishing off with my cardio. (This is a 3-4 times a week...maybe more depending on how good the show is!


  • Interesting except you use you abdominal muscles in everything you do. They make up your core and support your spine...so even in cardio, certainly Hiit and other strength training, you are using them. But because of where the pain is I would be concerned it's not muscular but more something like a hernia? You need to get yourself a copy of the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook or Google "abdominal trigger points". Sometimes where you feel the pain is not where the problem is located. It's called referred pain. You could also find an ART (Active Release Technique) certified chiro or massage therapist and see what they can tell you. Muscle relaxers treat the symptom and not the cause. I'm a former runner/triathlete and have been teaching fitness classes for over 10 years. Could not live without ART and massage therapy as I am very hard on my body.
  • Well, they sent me to physical therapy, but that hasn't done much, I'll look into your suggestion, I did forget to mention, that yes, there have been aborted sessions due to muscle spasms, mostly early on in the cardio I had been doing, not so much now But, just to see myself, I would attempt something like situps, crunches, or planking... and that old familiar twitching would make me stop. When it actually happens, I can actually feel the knot of the muscle that spasm, and usually by stretching it out, and use of pickle juice of all things, it will stop- but no further excercise can be done at that point. I have had the standard "turn yer head and cough" test, and nothing they could tell by that, but I'm sure more in depth...and expensive ...Testing could be done. At this time, cardio alone does not seen to trigger anything, so I have continued down THAT path,
  • I would agree with it could be a hernia. I had similar problems and it was just that, but with a hernia you will feel those symptoms outside of your workouts too. Certain foods would cause them as well. and it would cause you pain in other places as well, for example , arms and mid back because it travels. The doctors would find it if they do an endoscopy. Could it be stomach cramps? Are you eating or drinking less then an hour before your workouts?
  • Also, it could be your gallbladder. A gallstone may be getting lodge in the hernia itself.with intense movement . Mine use to go away when i massaged the area or applied a heat pack to it and layed down. Hope this helps!