Mixing cardiovascular and strength training after problems with muscle spasms.
Ok, first my primary goal is to lose weight, I know of the benefits of strength training has in this capacity. However, I keep experiencing muscle spasms in abdominal area with even light activity. I'm talking like 10-15 seconds into a plank, a muscle can totally lock up. The doctors have not found any thing wrong and just tell me rest and keep giving me muscle relaxers.
So, I'm thinking i still need to lose weight, and just de-emphasize the strength training somewhat. So my plan, with my gym right next to where I work. Is to do 45 minutes of cardio, (interval stuff, with a HRM, no coasting), and 15 minutes of strength training----muscle specific. 1 day would be arms, 1 day would be shoulders, 1 day would be back, so forth. I'd ignore the abdominal area for now, my thinking being with a good loss of weight, this problem might resolve itself, basically resting that area as doctor suggests.
(Why this way, you might ask? Well 45 minutes is about the time of a network show, sans commercials. I take my tablet with me and one episode of something on it, one episode, one gym session. I have lost 8 pounds doing this. I call it "Arrowcising" ---so guess which show I caught up on while doing this?) At this moments 45 minutes of HIIT is kicking my butt... working my way up to 60, so I can start on Daredevil!!!! ;p
That's all cardio tho, while weight LOSS is the primary goal (for now) I know strength training is important, but to "nurse" whatever this ailment is along, is there benefit to doing about 15 minutes of a targeted muscle group prior to finishing off with my cardio. (This is a 3-4 times a week...maybe more depending on how good the show is!