Workout schedule question

I am trying to lose weight/fat and I alternate running days and weight lifting days. I can't decide how to schedule my Friday workouts.

What do you think?

Here is a typical schedule:

Monday - lift
Tuesday - run
Wednesday - lift
Thursday - run
*Friday - this is where I can't decide what to do. More lifting? More running? Split it between both? Alternate it each week? Do something totally different like yoga (keep in mind I am working out from home, and only have 25 minutes so I keep it intense)
Saturday - rest (but stay generally active with my kids)
Sunday - long run

If it helps, I'm only a few lbs away from a healthy BMI, but want to lose roughly 10 more lbs. MFP puts me at 1250 calories a day for a 1/2 lb weekly loss, but I increase it based on exercise. I also add in close to an hour of walking spurts divided up throughout the day.


  • Are you following any kind of program for either?
  • For running, no specific program. I vary speed intervals to try to get the most mileage out of my 25 minutes possible during the week. On weekends I slow it down more for an endurance run (about an hour).

    For strength training I was loosely following stronglift 5X5 (I only have dumbells that go up to 50 lbs). I just started jefit.
  • "Lift" and "run" can mean many different things. Are you on a structured program of any sort for lifting? Are you doing full body on all the lift days? How far do you run? There is a huge difference between 30 minutes on a treadmill and a half marathon.

    You really need more information and need to get on some sort of plan. No point in spinning your wheels.
  • Full body lifting. I run a little over 2 miles on week days and about 5 miles on Sundays.
  • What does your lifting routine look like?
  • jaga13 wrote: »
    For running, no specific program. I vary speed intervals to try to get the most mileage out of my 25 minutes possible during the week. On weekends I slow it down more for an endurance run (about an hour).

    For strength training I was loosely following stronglift 5X5 (I only have dumbells that go up to 50 lbs). I just started jefit.

    I would figure out which one of those is more important to you and build a program around it. If you're just kind of loosely following a lifting program because of the equipment you have, I'd do that twice a week and run 3 days. But it's really a matter of preference for you.
  • Sun - Mon - Tues Cardio

    Wed - Legs
    Thurs - Shoulders / traps
    Fri - Chest
    Sat - Back / biceps

    No rest day

  • For strength training I was loosely following stronglift 5X5 (I only have dumbells that go up to 50 lbs). I just started jefit.

    There is your answer, stronglifts 5x5 is a 3 day/week program, usually done on M,W,F. So lift... unless you are training for a particular running event.
  • mls100771 wrote: »
    Sun - Mon - Tues Cardio

    Wed - Legs
    Thurs - Shoulders / traps
    Fri - Chest
    Sat - Back / biceps

    No rest day

    OP, I would not suggest this routine, chest day after shoulder day with no recovery, not a good idea. Stick with what you are doing and if your goal is to lose bf%, lift on the Friday. If your goal is to run a running event/race, then you may want to run on Friday.
  • erickirb wrote: »

    For strength training I was loosely following stronglift 5X5 (I only have dumbells that go up to 50 lbs). I just started jefit.

    There is your answer, stronglifts 5x5 is a 3 day/week program, usually done on M,W,F. So lift... unless you are training for a particular running event.

    Perfect, thank you!
  • If you are doing SL 5x5 do it as scheduled, and do cardio any day that you want to, including lift day.
  • how about this: lift and between sets, do 30-45secs of cardio intervals like do one set of bicep curls (example), then right after, do 45s of burpees; rest for 20s and start your next bicep set, 45s of burpees etc get the point. that keeps your heart rate up, you get cardio injection during your lifts and you also build muscle!! i will work at that intensity for 45min-1hr and burn nearly 500 cals.

    i do a lot of plyo as my intervals - box jumps, plank jacks, atomic pushups ....that sort of thing
  • What 5x5 exercises would be good to do on lift days. This is exactly what I want to start doing but I am not sure which exercises to do.
  • kpodaru wrote: »
    how about this: lift and between sets, do 30-45secs of cardio intervals like do one set of bicep curls (example), then right after, do 45s of burpees; rest for 20s and start your next bicep set, 45s of burpees etc get the point. that keeps your heart rate up, you get cardio injection during your lifts and you also build muscle!! i will work at that intensity for 45min-1hr and burn nearly 500 cals.

    i do a lot of plyo as my intervals - box jumps, plank jacks, atomic pushups ....that sort of thing

    I used to do that, but had to cut a lot of it out when I started lifting heavier (for me). If I do that now, I don't have the energy to finish all my sets.
  • emkelsall wrote: »
    What 5x5 exercises would be good to do on lift days. This is exactly what I want to start doing but I am not sure which exercises to do.

    Stronglifts 5x5, look it up. It will tell you what lifts to do on what days.
  • Sweet, thank you very much!!!