All Carbs, All the Time

I'm following CICO, but did set my macros to 40 (protein)/ 30 (fat)/ 30 (carbs) just to gauge where I'm at and have a very general guideline. Well, I have learned that I am a carboholic. While for dinner I try to have grilled chicken or fish or another lean protein, my side items tend to be potatoes and a green vegetable. Snacks consist of pudding, apples, grapes, Fiber One bars, popcorn, etc- essentially all carb items.

Are there good alternatives to carb-laden snacks besides vegetables? Will I ever resist the urge? Is there any harm to consuming 65% carbs, 20% protein, and 15% fat?


  • as long as you stay in a deficit you will lose weight.

    However, as you lose more weight and want to be leaner then macro adherence becomes more important.

    So for now, you should be find wit that split...
  • As long as you are losing and feel well, it's probably fine. If your weightloss stalls, you can reexamine your macros and made adjustments.
  • Proteins (low salt deli meats, half serving protein shakes), unsweetened teas like mint, or spearmint (to get that sweetness).
    Will you ever resist the urge? I can't tell you what you can do, but I know it's possible for people to do it, yes. Do you have the willpower to turn this into a sustainable change for you? If no, then it doesn't matter what we say ultimately.
  • A few lower carb snacks: cheese sticks, nuts, sugar free yogurt. Also some berries aren't all that high carb.
  • I have a severe carb (bread, sugar, I love it all) addiction so I started taking Chromium Picolinate, 500 mg, in the morning to help control my blood sugar. It has SERIOUSLY cut down on my cravings.
  • 65% carb is a little high for an average lightly active person. The people who do 65% carb are endurance runners, but even then you still have to use fat for fuel too.

    45 to 55% is the recommended macronutrient amount for carbohydrates for most people!

    No harm in having a 65% carb day once in a while ( You can use those extra carbs at the gym if you want to get your heart rate up in cardio! ).
  • 65% carb is a little high for an average lightly active person. The people who do 65% carb are endurance runners, but even then you still have to use fat for fuel too.

    45 to 55% is the recommended macronutrient amount for carbohydrates for most people!

    No harm in having a 65% carb day once in a while ( You can use those extra carbs at the gym if you want to get your heart rate up in cardio! ).

    if you are in deficit how are you creating fat?
  • I don't know if there is any harm, but chances are if you're eating 65% carbs, they are coming from high calorie, highly processed sources (not veggies). The issue with that is you can eat a lot of calories and not really feel full or satisfied. A little more protein and fat will help with that if it is a concern. For snacks, I like string cheese or almonds. Cottage cheese or greek yogurt.