Miles app

Looking for an app to keep up with how many miles I do daily wether I am walking, biking, running, swimming etc. suggestions for an app that I can just keep track of the miles and not a pedometer or anything?


  • Go to the APPS tab and you'll see a huge list of apps. I use Strava for cycling and Endomondo for everything else.
  • I use Runkeeper (cause it's free LOL) and you can use it for all the activities you mentioned :o)
  • I use RunKeeper and MapMyFitness for workouts. Any GPS app takes a toll on your batteries and cannot be used all day.

    If you want to use an app swimming, you better have a waterproof phone.
  • I was using run keeper for some but with swimming and stationary biking I wanted something I could put in how many miles I did. Like today I did 5 miles on stationary bike and yesterday did 4 miles walking. Just something to keep track of the total number of miles. Will check these out