Swimming for weight loss.

Anyone else on here swimming for weight loss? I'm swimming an hour a day everyday. I would like to find some friends who are also doing something like that to share stories and ideas with...


  • This was my main source for weightloss until I moved now I dont have a pool, but it helped me loose fast. Almost two pounds every workout and i never felt pain the next day. Its just important to ensure your eatting properly at a deficit or else your body will contour but your weight will take longer to come off
  • I'm still too heavy to run, and the elliptical kicks my *kitten*. I lift weights and do pilates and yoga and wanted to do more cardio, so I've started adding swimming into my fitness routine. I didn't like swimming at school and was never particularly a strong swimmer, but installed the Speedo Fit app with distance goals, and now do 500m at least 3 times a week, and hoping to improve that :)
  • nice swimming ? So fun ,i wish i could swim for my daily workouts :(
  • I need to look up that app! Cool. I've always been a big swimme. I love it, so it's not just exercise, it's also fun. Can I add you?
  • Anyone else on here swimming for weight loss? I'm swimming an hour a day everyday. I would like to find some friends who are also doing something like that to share stories and ideas with...

    What kind of swimming are you doing? Laps or water walking type exercise?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    In January and February I tried to swim at least 3 to 4 times per week at 650m per session and I loved it, low impact and you can sweat gracefully in the water:) I went back to walking outside and recently biking my neighborhood. When it gets too hot I will probably go back to the pool at the YMCA, or actually I think you just inspired me to go back now! You can friend me if you like:) -Nancy
  • There is a swimmers group on MFP. Just search it. Good bunch of people, swimming to keep fit!
  • I swim once a week. I used to do the american stroke for 30 minutes but that kind of got boring even though I got into a nice rhythmic groove. I now warm up casually for five minutes and then I swim as fast as I can for one length and then wade back one length and repeat 12 times. I do it for aerobics (if that term is still used) as opposed to weight loss.
  • I can't find the group :( I love this app though. I am meeting some many new people. I need to meet new fitness minded friends :)
  • Photonurse- I am doing laps. Started about 2 weeks ago, so I'm still getting my routine down. I do laps for a while, and then do some aerobic exercises while in the water, and then go back to the laps. I repeat that for 1 hour.
  • I am also swimming to help me with weight loss. I am swimming lengths of 25m ,usually 6 then walking for 2 lengths. I repeat this for 45 mins 2 or 3 times a week. Feel free to add me.
  • the Swimmers Group is very active. You can't search for it, just have to scroll through the groups until you find it.
  • How do I scroll through the groups?
  • Look at top of this page, click on groups, then click on browse groups. You can then scroll through all 5000+ groups. Look on page 6 for the Swimmers Group
  • Thanks. I actually found it! So excited lol
  • Sorry that I gave you bad info. I should have just given you a link instead but I was in a hurry. Glad you found it!