laditz wrote: » Better to get those calories in at start of day and end the day with less than pile all your calories into last meal.
jjkoba81 wrote: » I'm not supposed to go over 1,820 calories a day, this breakfast smoothie I've been making though comes out to be just under 500 calories. Is that too much just for breakfast?
_incogNEATo_ wrote: » jjkoba81 wrote: » I'm not supposed to go over 1,820 calories a day, this breakfast smoothie I've been making though comes out to be just under 500 calories. Is that too much just for breakfast? What kind of smoothie is it? The important question is whether or not you enjoy it and are content. The answer is "not as long as you're staying at 1820 calories/day." That smoothie better be good to take 500 of my calories away though. That's a whole lot of eggs and bacon for breakfast!