Hamstring tendonitis

I think I have hamstring tendonitis. About a week or so ago I noticed an ache behind the top of my knee/lowest part of my hamstring, where the hamstring connects to the knee. I have had runner's knee before, and this ache is much different.
I began running a year ago, so I know I'm still learning. I know Dr Google is not a good way to go, but right now I'm trying to avoid ANOTHER trip to the doctor and just get through this. I am taking Ibuprofen, will start icing. I reduced my miles.
Now I'm thinking maybe I need to lay off the running altogether until this pain stops, and then gradually reintroduce running. The idea of doing this is killing me, because I just started getting some serious mileage in. But I suppose it's better to lay off for a few weeks and cross train than make it worse and not be able to run at all.
So I'm trying to figure out what cross-training I can do. Spinning class? Piyo? I just started doing a HIIT class with my coworkers, maybe lay off the box jumps? I don't have access to a pool otherwise I would swim. I also am thinking about what strength exercises I could do for my hamstrings to prevent this from happening again.
Anyone have any experience with this that can offer suggestions?


  • Hello?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Honestly, I would head for PT on this one. That part of your body is a tough rehab--it doesn't get a lot of blood flow naturally. You might see faster results as far as healing goes with active release therapy, deep massage, or some such. A PT could also tell you whether the problem is actually weak hamstrings (probably not as likely if you're a runner), or imbalances/weaknesses in your hips and glutes. That would help you target the appropriate muscles.

    As far as cross-training goes, I am a fan of "don't do what hurts (and be honest with yourself about what hurts)." You could test out the elliptical on low elevation/resistance, or maybe biking (don't clip into your pedals or put your toes into the cages, though--that puts more stress on hamstrings by having you pull *up* on the pedals instead of just pushing down). On the other hand, the person I know who had low hamstring tendinitis did it through cycling, so...maybe some caution there.

    And when you go back to running--rebuild SLOWLY. Both in terms of speed, and in terms of how long it takes you to increase distance. That is THE best way to prevent reinjury.
  • Therapy is good it can help identify what is going on and what you did to cause it... Until then I would take it easy.. Because if it gets to the point where you tear hamstring recovery is much longer and harder..
  • *sigh* I had a feeling. I called my MD office to renew my PT referral. Hopefully I'll get seen next week. Being unable to run is not good for my mental health! (or other people's safety :smile: )