3bambi3 wrote: » If you currently have a urinary tract infection, you need to see a doctor. There really isn't anything else to do. It's a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. You will only need to take them for a week, so I don't see what the big deal is. Go to a doctor before you cause yourself serious internal injury.
PaulaWallaDingDong wrote: » Adding: If fuel is the problem, and if your doc knows that you have a history of them and is willing to accomodate you, you could call and ask if they'll be willing to call in a prescription for you without a visit, with a promise to follow up in a few days.
jorinya wrote: » 3bambi3 wrote: » If you currently have a urinary tract infection, you need to see a doctor. There really isn't anything else to do. It's a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. You will only need to take them for a week, so I don't see what the big deal is. Go to a doctor before you cause yourself serious internal injury. Thanks for that. I've had four c-sections and when taking antibiotics I tend to get discomfort under my scar area. Doctors said there is nothing they can do cos there is nothing serious causing the pain. That's the reason why I hate taking then, that and some other reasons too. But thanks for your concern. I've living in Nigeria, maybe the antibiotics they are prescribing are too strong.
jgnatca wrote: » She swears by it. She also takes probiotics to increase the count of friendly bacteria in her guts.
sofaking6 wrote: » If it's just a UTI starting up, chug water and see if you can flush it out. I used to get those on the regular and found that water works just about as well as cranberry, especially if you catch it early. There are special painkillers for UTIs if you can find it (brand name "AZO"), they make your pee super orange but help a ton with the cramping. Actually there are prescription strength version of that same painkiller if you can get a doc to write you one, they have always been 100% effective for me as far as providing relief from the urgency.
KrystaleMBithoney wrote: » Glad to hear it was a false alarm! Definitely drink tons of water, hope you are feeling better soon!