a little help?

So I'm not wanting to lose a lot of weight (i've been maintaining a 60 pound weight loss for about eight years now), but I keep myself in check and I was wanting to lose about five pounds. Well it's been difficult. I look at my history and I realize that most days, my exercise and calories can be on point. But I notice I go over on my sugars or my fat grams. I eat low fat, I don't eat nonfat simply because of all the negative stigma about how much sodium is in. I was just wondering where you all stand when you do your food diary. Do you pay a lot more attention to fat grams or calories?

also, anyone mind giving some low fat recipes so i don't keep going over my fat grams?


  • I just upped my fat grams on my goals because I don't feel or function well if it's 20% or lower while I'm in a calorie deficit. I pay most attention to meeting my calorie and protein goals. Not a whole lot to my fat or carbs, they tend to balance out by themselves for the most part. For weight loss it doesn't matter too much what you set them too, just make sure you're getting enough protein for your weight.
  • First off, CONGRATS on maintaining yoru weight loss. That is amazing. A few questions, what is your daily activity level? How long have you been at your current calorie level and what is it? And what are you daily macros set at?
  • Thanks for the replies you two! For the past three months I've been doing strength three to four days a week and cardio (which consists of walking/jogging for 45 minutes). I do pilates for ab workouts, and my strength is from Jillian Micheals body revolution. So I end up doing strength, jump squats, planks, push ups, etc. I drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, but I tend to retain water. My issue is that I'm probably gaining some muscle which is effecting the scale. But that can really mess with my head lol!
  • If you are doing resistance training then there is a good chance that you are "shifting" your weight around. Have you taken measurements rather than focusing on the scale? Photos and measurements will always tell a better story than a scale.

    It may also be time to reevaluate your calorie intake. If you have been at the same level for to long your body has adjusted. Your needs may be more than they were as you are burning more while working out and while at rest. You might want to consider upping them by 100-200 a day and see what happens.
  • Thank You! I'm definitely going to give your suggestion a shot! I was freaking out a little. Though I have maintained the weight loss for so long it's hard to remember that accomplishment. Still, I'm a size 14, so unless people personally know me, a stranger probably doesn't think I'm one to be active or that I've lost a huge amount of weight OR kept it off for x amount of years. I'm in a wedding soon and have been focusing a lot on toning my core, arms, and legs because I have to wear strapless dress. So, I wanted to lose the five pounds as a comfort in a dress that I normally would not be comfortable wearing. Some curvy girls sometimes can look too bulky in certain kinds of strapless dresses and some curvy girls look amazing in them. I want to look good for their photos! But you have made me feel like I might be progressing more than I thought and to keep on keepin' on! So thank you!