What surprises have you found about foods you didn't realize before logging?



  • How much I was eating.
    I was really bad at eating if anything was close to me or if someone asked me if I wanted something to eat.

    This for me too. I ate out of habit or boredom or if I was offered anything in any situation. I never said no to food or drink. I'd eat almost all leftovers. I ate when I was happy and especially when I was angry (that's the hardest one to remedy). I'd have "I'll show him!!" Binges. Who was I really punishing by doing that?

    100% this for me too. I didn't think twice (heck, I didn't think once) before putting something in my mouth, I just did it.
    I also could (and still can, if I really want to, which I don't) eat more and faster than ANYONE I knew. I was never overweight or particularly chubby either, so I started thinking of it as some kinda cool party trick when people were gasping at how fast I finished my pizza while others were struggling with eating half of theirs.. Scary times :neutral:
    It's definitely eye-opening to start counting calories, and I actually really love being more aware of how and when I eat, and really enjoy every meal, compared to just eating everything without caring.
  • I think a lot of it for me was actually how large a serving is on some things, especially the likes of sandwich fillings and nut butters. I was barely using tbsp of peanut butter in a sandwich - a tbsp is a lot more than I thought! Same for the likes of cheese, cereals, vegetables... then I'd be stuffing myself full of crap not long after as I was hungry.
    I felt satisfied with those portions but I clearly wasn't.
  • My morning filtered coffee with no sugar
  • How you can get a plate full of veggies and the calories are good. It's when the potatoes and meat go on that it starts adding up.
  • I didn't realise how much sugar is in everything! I can eat a banana in the morning and then that's pretty much it! No more fruit, no chopped tomatoes in my dinner (which rules out a lot of nice food!)... I don't stick to this at all and tell myself that the sugar hit is worth it for all the good stuff in fruit, but it's still annoying seeing the red at the bottom of my food report when I'm so good with everything else!
  • hmck123 wrote: »
    I didn't realise how much sugar is in everything! I can eat a banana in the morning and then that's pretty much it! No more fruit, no chopped tomatoes in my dinner (which rules out a lot of nice food!)... I don't stick to this at all and tell myself that the sugar hit is worth it for all the good stuff in fruit, but it's still annoying seeing the red at the bottom of my food report when I'm so good with everything else!

    I stopped tracking the sugar here. I got sick of being told off for eating two whole pieces of fruit in a day! ;)

  • daniebanks wrote: »
    JoJo61612 wrote: »
    I had no idea how many calories sushi had in it

    hahaha yes, this. same here.

    Seriously... ridiculous. And it's not filling at all for the calories IMO. I almost never have sushi anymore :( It's whatever they put in the rice I guess...
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    daniebanks wrote: »
    JoJo61612 wrote: »
    I had no idea how many calories sushi had in it

    hahaha yes, this. same here.

    Seriously... ridiculous. And it's not filling at all for the calories IMO. I almost never have sushi anymore :( It's whatever they put in the rice I guess...

    Like the sugar! :tongue:
  • All those sesame and chia seeds I was sprinkling on food? Have WAY more calories than I thought.

    I was pretty upset when I found out how many calories I was adding with sesame and sunflower seeds on my salads. Totally not worth it to me, whereas calories from cashews are worth it because they are a satisfying snack.
  • I didn't relize how much sodium was in cottage cheese, 1/2 cup 420.
  • tealover09 wrote: »
    All those sesame and chia seeds I was sprinkling on food? Have WAY more calories than I thought.

    I was pretty upset when I found out how many calories I was adding with sesame and sunflower seeds on my salads. Totally not worth it to me, whereas calories from cashews are worth it because they are a satisfying snack.

    Gosh yes. They might be 'superfoods' but no food that has 50 calories for a tablespoon, has no taste, and doesn't fill me up is 'super' in my book.
  • Although I love ranch dressing, having the full serving is not worth the calories and fat.
  • That two tablespoons of peanut butter is closer to 1 scoop when not weighed. Before I started weighing I was eating closer to 4tablespoons and not even knowing it.

    4ozs of chicken is a lot of chicken!

  • did not realise most alcohol contains carbs unless its distilled
    did not realise small snack pork pies are 200 calories
    did not realise salt intake with last meal will effect the next mornings weigh in.

    silly me
  • That sometimes, cheese on a sandwich just isn't worth it. (Cheese as a standalone snack, different story.)
  • That Splenda, and Sweet n Low and coffee all have their own small bits of calories... that I try to log, because I have several of each, everyday.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't eat a lot of bread, pasta or rice now. I don't find them worth the calories and I can do without them quite well. I'll have a bit if I want, but the huge plates of creamy pasta with a tiny salad thrust on the side of the plate are behind me (I hope!)

    Same here. I have really cut down on bread. I don't eat hot dogs with the bun anymore. I don't eat as much bread with dinner. Not worth the calories.
  • dredremeg wrote: »
    I didn't relize how much sodium was in cottage cheese, 1/2 cup 420.

    This was surprising to me, too. Not sure where you are but the Lucerne brand sells "no salt added" cottage cheese. Then I just add my own amount. MUCH better that way!
  • There have been quite a few things: pasta (serving size/calories), cheese (omg), how the weight of serving sizes can be way off from what package project for amounts (7 crackers = so many grams). Often it was way lower. Also, how small a serving of cereal, or oatmeal when you weigh it. Sigh.

    My number one thing I think is that dishes are way too big. Big bowls, big plates, big mugs. Consuming a lot more than I thought by using such enormous things and not looking at serving sizes.