Quest Bars

Are they really as good as what some people say they are? And what's the best flavours?


  • You'll have to try some and decide for yourself. At GNC stores, if you buy 3 you get one more free. My favorite is double chocolate chunk. I also like chocolate chip cookie dough. They have a new mint chocolate flavor but I haven't tried it yet.
  • Yes! But some are better than others.Best tasting in my opinion : cookies and cream, smores, Chocolate chip cookie dough. Apple pie and cinnamon roll are not to bad. GNC sells them and they sell them as singles if you wanted to try a variety.
  • Great, thanks guys! I have been looking at some places and they only sell boxes of 12, so didn't really want to buy a whole box if they weren't very nice! I'll have to have a look at see if there is a GNC store near me and try a few :)
  • Great, thanks guys! I have been looking at some places and they only sell boxes of 12, so didn't really want to buy a whole box if they weren't very nice! I'll have to have a look at see if there is a GNC store near me and try a few :)

    Your local 7-11 might have them in individual bars. I saw them yesterday while grabbing a few snacks from there.
  • I like best :
    - cookie dough
    - apple pie
    - raspberry white chocolate
    In the store that sells them in my town, I can choose my 12 different flavors and still have the rebate for 1 box.
    The only one I dislike is the cinnamon one

    Hope this help !
  • Taste is subjective. I haven't found one that I liked, but they have all been tolerable. They do have good macros if you need to get fiber in a bar.
  • I always come back to Quest Bars. My substitute is Luna, just because that is what is readily available at my local supermarket. There are a lot of those protein bars by other companies that taste like pure poop. One of my favorites is the cinnamon roll one. Also the cookie dough one. It was a novel idea for me to heat them up in the microwave when someone suggested it on the forums. This is a MUST! They are completely awesome that way.
  • Vitamin Shoppe also sells individual bars.

    White Chocolate Raspberry is my favorite. Everyone has different tastes definetly try before you buy a full box, also some of the bars taste better warmed in the microwave for a few seconds.
  • The Vitamin shoppe, whole foods, and gnc all sell them. I absolutely love quest products. Love. I'm a fan of some of the more underrated flavors. My favorite is banana nut muffin. I also love cinnamon roll, lemon cream pie and strawberry cheesecake. But I know cookies n cream, smores, and cookie dough are the current like overall favorites.
    I also drink the quest protein powder mixed with just ice water and it's amazing. Low calorie. No fat. Super filling. And absolutely delicious. I see my shake as a dessert or reward. Same with the bars!
  • Chocolate brownie and double chocolate chunk microwaved for 8 seconds :+1:

    I haven't tried any other flavours. I'm thinking smores might be next :D
  • From my experience anything containing peanuttbutter is just terribly dry, almost un-chewable, and generally unpleasant.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I've tried all the flavors (except for the new mint one which I have no plans to anyway) and the cookies n cream, s'mores, banana nut muffin, and cinnamon roll bars are my favorites. I surprisingly am not big on the brownie or double chocolate chunk ones because the chocolate flavor seems a bit off to me. I'm not sure why tho.

    I also have the chocolate and peanut butter protein powders but tend to use those as mix ins and have to get through 3 jars of pb2 first before they expire.

    And don't forget the Quest Protein Chips! :)
  • I like cookies n cream the best :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I don't like Quest bars at all really. I tried to because so many rave about them on here, but they're not for me. I recently started eating Pure Protein bars and love them. They are so much better tasting in my opinion. I would just try the Quest bars out for yourself and see what you think, but don't buy a whole box. Sample different flavors. That's what I did personally. Some of them were okay but nothing I would eat again, and some of them were horrid. If you don't like the Quest bars give the Pure Protein ones a try. I love the chocolate peanut butter and chocolate yummy.
  • Pro: lots of fiber.
    Con: that's a lot of money for one scoop of whey protein.
    Pro: Actually tastes decent.
    con: Has to be heated to be edible.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Chocolate brownie and double chocolate chunk microwaved for 8 seconds :+1:

    I haven't tried any other flavours. I'm thinking smores might be next :D

    I just got a smores one - it’s sitting in my desk, waiting to be enjoyed as an afternoon snack.

    I like Quest bars a lot, they taste better than any protein bar I’ve ever tried, and their macros are amazing, especially as they have both protein and fibre. It does depend on your taste, but I think chocolate chip cookie dough is a good place to start. I also like coconut cashew, banana nut muffin, white chocolate raspberry, peanut butter. Mmm so yum.
  • Lemon cream pie, white chocolate raspberry, coconut cashew. In that order. I also like cookie dough and brownie, especially when I put them in the microwave for 10 seconds. They taste like cookies and brownies out of the oven.
  • I bought the mint chocolate chip to try and it was a mistake. Very dry and not as tasty as some of the other flavors. My favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough, with coconut cashew as a close second.
  • My favorite flavors are Double Chocolate Chunk, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and the Cinnamon Bun one. I buy them on where they sell for the standard $24.99/box and have free shipping if spend more than $50.00. That's easy for me because they also carry the Al Dente Carb-Nada pasta I like too.
  • I like the Cinnamon and the chocolate chip cookie ones. I just ordered a box of the mint ones, but haven't had a chance to try them yet.