Fish Oil?

Does anyone have experience with fish oil tablets? Do they really make any difference, or are they just a waste of money?


  • They help get those omega-3s but if you eat fish like tuna, you shouldn't waste your money on them. They have a lot of health benefits such as mental being, vision, memory, etc.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I swear by omega's, not only have they helped with cravings for the bad fats, they have also drastically changed my complexion. They are essential for every single cell in your body! I dont think I can suggest one on here due to monetary gain, but Dr Oz has talked about a few really good brands. The one I take is very reasonable in price!
  • I'm definitely gonna be getting me some then!
  • I get my omega 3, 6, 9s from flaxseed. Add a tablespoon to your breakfast or even just a drink, it has added benefits of fibre and being cheaper to buy.
  • Pick one without the fishy burps, yuck,
  • There are a lot of *kitten* pills on the market. What you want is a high daily value (1000mg+) of EPA and DHA. For me I take the Pure Pharma ones which don't give me fishey burps and in the end actually are cheaper considering some brands I would have to take multiple pills.
  • Make a difference?
  • Does anyone have experience with fish oil tablets? Do they really make any difference, or are they just a waste of money?

    Define difference. What are you wanting?

    I take a fish oil supplement because I seldom eat fish and need the omega-3 fats.

    It is a dietary supplement, not a weight loss aid if that is what you are thinking.
  • Does anyone have experience with fish oil tablets? Do they really make any difference, or are they just a waste of money?
    If you eat fish they are indeed a waste of money. Also, it's not so much about getting omega 3's, as it is balancing omega 3's to 6's and 9's.
  • i've been taking fish oils since i was an early teen but that was for my skin issues since i have eczema. i have never used it for anything like weight loss but omegas are excellent for things like heart health, brain development/function and just overall well-being. if you don't eat much fish, take the supplements. if you eat a lot of fish (i dont due to the ocean pollution/tuna in a can is just too high in salt) then you probably don't need them.
  • I`ve read mixed results about fish oil. I do know that there is evidence it breaks down in the bottle significantly over time, so you have to do your research, but a high quality brand, and store it properly.
  • Ya, I know they don't do anything for weight loss, I just wanted to know if I should be taking them for overall health, especially since I don't get as much fish as I should. Thank you! :)
  • Fish oil never hurts. Like posted before, you can get them from tuna as well along with fish. Get ya some... and it's really not that expensive. 60 capsules for like 15 bucks I think it was. Take one every morning with a multivitamins
  • Like any supplement, if the nutrient is essential for your body, and you are deficient, it will make a difference. Omega 3, 6, and 9 are essential, but you get the 6's and 9's from just about anything that has fat in it. Since 3's are mostly found in seafood and flax, and if you don't eat much of that, then it's a good idea to supplement.
  • kr3ei4267lv6.jpg

    I take a tsp of cod liver oil everyday. Carlson's is the good stuff in my opinion. It has a pleasant, lemon taste and no aftertaste or burps.