Rest days ?

Do we really need rest days ? And does a rest day mean no going for a 30 min walk as well or just the high cardio and weight training


  • There's been a couple threads about this lately.
    From what I've read, walking is fine to do on rest days
  • Walking is fine on rest days but leave it at that but you should aim at having at least one day in the week where you REST but it all depends on how you feel though.
  • Thanks
  • yes rest days are important but you can do active recovery - go for a nice walk, a light jog, even a light bicycle ride around the neighbourhood.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    There is a difference between rest days and recovery days. Do you need them? Depends on the person, the exercise regime, intensity of exercise, diet, sleep, etc.

    On rest days, I do little more than change position on the couch. Recovery days often involve light/easy bike rides, swimming, hikes with my kids/dog, etc. The effort/intensity is low, but it keeps the muscles loose and moving and helps them recovery between hard workouts.

    Also, there are both physical and mental benefits to rest and recovery days.
  • I generally have an active recovery day where I do just gentle yoga once a week. As for complete rest? Maybe once every three weeks if I'm feeling tired or out of it.
  • I'm with jacksonpt on this. Rest days I'm basically in a trance on the couch watching something mindless. If its a recovery day I'm doing 30-45 minutes of stretching or yoga.

    Each individual needs to listen to their bodies and do whats right for them.
  • It depends on what your training is need rest from vigorous exercise...this is when you recover...this is when you make fitness gains.

    I have a dog and two young boys...I rarely if ever am sitting on my *kitten*...I take rest from vigorous activity, but I still have to be active on my rest days...I still take my kiddos to the zoo for example or my dog for a walk...I just take rest from actually training.
  • Great thanks.. I also have a small child so I am never fully at rest... However on my "rest" day I think I will go for my walk and do my stretching. Thanks everyone this helped a lot