How do you deal with cravings?

i work at a Dairy Queen, and I find myself tempted to eat pieces of candy! I sneak a few pieces of pecans and Reese's cup! I need to know what I can do to tame my cravings!


  • Eat them, log them. If you really want them, make them fit into your day. Simple! :smile:
  • You could watch and read up on how Hershey's uses child slave labor and then think I am basically supporting slavery by eating Hershey's products. (the Reese's are Hershey products.) Then if it helps any toss in is my eating this Reese's worth the tears of a child?
    Here's more info on it,
  • I eat a massive breakfast everyday. I do not even want to think about eating until at least 9 hours later. That has helped me a lot in avoiding the candy jar at work.
  • NH_1970 wrote: »
    You could watch and read up on how Hershey's uses child slave labor and then think I am basically supporting slavery by eating Hershey's products. (the Reese's are Hershey products.) Then if it helps any toss in is my eating this Reese's worth the tears of a child?
    Here's more info on it,

    munches m&m's
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    [quote=munches m&m's[/quote]
    Too awesome for words!

    To OP....

    Figure out what about fits into your plan and set that amount aside and when you have a bit of your allotment, don't sneak it.. savor every bit of it. Every week, try lessening the amount or delay it for a day... Have it every other day. I have the worst craving for this crazy amazing carrot cake at my local store. Problem is that one slice is more a calories than my entire daily allotment and I have the self control of a 4 yr old so if I buy it, I'm eating the whole slice. Every time I am in the store and see that cake I tell myself "Next Time". I'm not actually denying myself that way, I am just delaying gratification. I have delayed it for 5 months now.

    (Full disclosure... I did give in to an Apple Fritter Sunday... I dreamed about it, I woke up craving it, went back to bed and dreamed about it again... my only saving grace is that I walked 2 miles on my quest to get the thing. Sometimes, you just have to give in or everything becomes about that craving.)
  • Have a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon in warm water. It balances blood sugars and stops you craving sweet things.
  • Eat them, log them, fit them in.
  • NH_1970 wrote: »
    You could watch and read up on how Hershey's uses child slave labor and then think I am basically supporting slavery by eating Hershey's products. (the Reese's are Hershey products.) Then if it helps any toss in is my eating this Reese's worth the tears of a child?
    Here's more info on it,

    Wow I did not know this.... Sad....
  • Have a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon in warm water. It balances blood sugars and stops you craving sweet things.

    thank you for the tip!
  • That's mindless eating, not cravings. You're also stealing from your employer with every piece of candy you eat. Unless they have stated eating the candy is ok, you are stealing. That may help keep your fingers out of it. I've had employers say you can have all the soda you want, but if I routinely helped myself to the candy isle, I'd get fired, right?
  • I ask myself how I will feel after I eat it. Will I feel guilty? Will I end up with a sugar crash? Will I get all bloaty and icky feeling? This usually makes me want LESS of it. Craving that entire chocolate bunny from easter - I think I'll eat just a bite.

    I always log it, every bite, every single fig netwon ;) Otherwise I'll never hold yourself accountable. That feedback on just how many calories it was is a good way to keep myself in check.

    Its impossible for me personally to STOP craving things, especially at certain levels of hormones. I'm starting to realize the impact of giving into EVERY SINGLE craving, by tracking every bite. I can delay myself, by giving myself a goal. I don't need that snickers, but I'm really craving it. Lets get through this long meeting first, then eat half of it afterwards, and half of it after working out for X amount of time (depending on my eating from the rest of the day).

    I also try to remind myself of my weightloss goal. Will eating this donut or candy bar help me achieve my goal? No. I do not NEED it, I WANT it, and there is a difference.

    Hope you find some tricks that help you! :)
  • Eat them, log them. If you really want them, make them fit into your day. Simple! :smile:


    Make them fit. I'm not giving up chocolate while trying to lose weight because I'm not giving up chocolate forever. I need to manage cravings now AND in the future. This is just another lifestyle change.
  • I give into cravings. I have to or I would go nuts. The trick is to log everything. Once you start logging every bite and seeing what that bite has cost you, you start to think twice about taking another bite. All of those little nibbles really start to add up.
  • MrsFit_ wrote: »
    i work at a Dairy Queen, and I find myself tempted to eat pieces of candy! I sneak a few pieces of pecans and Reese's cup! I need to know what I can do to tame my cravings!

    For me eating something sweet can turn into a disastrous day... so I've stopped that by having one piece of whatever it is I want. Log it and then brush my teeth straight away. Nothing taste good after toothpaste...

    I've also tried gum throughout the day, when I know I am not hungry I'm just bored. Chew the gum until the next meeting or whatever it is that can distract me from eating.
  • jaqcan wrote: »
    That's mindless eating, not cravings. You're also stealing from your employer with every piece of candy you eat. Unless they have stated eating the candy is ok, you are stealing. That may help keep your fingers out of it. I've had employers say you can have all the soda you want, but if I routinely helped myself to the candy isle, I'd get fired, right?

    Good point with the stealing/wrong and all.
    Buuuut if shaming/guilting doesn't work for you, and mindfully eating 3 pecans and a slavelaborReese's cup stops you from globbing down a peanut-buster parfait I'd say you're coming out on top. Like many others have said, just make sure to plan for those calories and log them.
  • kmsoucy457 wrote: »
    jaqcan wrote: »
    That's mindless eating, not cravings. You're also stealing from your employer with every piece of candy you eat. Unless they have stated eating the candy is ok, you are stealing. That may help keep your fingers out of it. I've had employers say you can have all the soda you want, but if I routinely helped myself to the candy isle, I'd get fired, right?

    Good point with the stealing/wrong and all.
    Buuuut if shaming/guilting doesn't work for you, and mindfully eating 3 pecans and a slavelaborReese's cup stops you from globbing down a peanut-buster parfait I'd say you're coming out on top. Like many others have said, just make sure to plan for those calories and log them.

    I wasn't trying to add shame or guilt to it, just a fact that it might not be allowed and that might be enough to stop. Telling yourself, "I'm not allowed to eat the candy here" isn't shame, it may just be a fact.