Kasey_1994 wrote: » I do use mfp and have not lost weight due to my circumstances. My money has been well spent. This isn't a cheap diet. You have to have blood tests etc to even sign up
Kasey_1994 wrote: » It isn't a magic diet plan. It's a well researched eating program. You probably haven't hears of it because you aren't in Australia. My circumstances aren't really anybody else's business and I myself am also very knowledgeable. I am studying to become a personal trainer and have already lost 25kg/55lbs by myself. Now I'm investing in a proven program to assist me in losing the last 10kg/22lbs
emdeesea wrote: » Honey, I didn't read your email - I just deleted it without reading it. I don't care if you're upset by my response. These products are a dime a dozen, designed to get money off of people like you. Additionally, someone who is "training to be a personal trainer" should know that.
Kasey_1994 wrote: » I regret posting in the community. Anyone that ccommented only did it to post their opinion on something that they haven't researched. I've had personal messages from several people which are just hurtful. If you haven't researched the topic and only want to bully people or make them feel bad, please don't respond to their posts.