So I'm on my own with this. Doc's unhelpful, dietitian's out for now. I was doing some reading online this week, lots of conflicting info.
Saw my GP today for IBS symptoms - she's telling me to just "eat more fiber". Now I know for a fact that what bran does to my guts should be illegal, and the same thing happens with any cereal or pasta with "added fiber" (insoluble type usually). Doc was surprised when I said I have similar reactions to a lot of fruits. (And spinach, for some reason?)
I mentioned the elimination diet I have been reading about and am trying (or starting to try, I have to get through last week's groceries first). She wasn't into that either, said, "have more fiber" again.
So is there an EASY place to learn about this stuff online, or can you recommend an EASY book? I fog over when I read this stuff, especially given how conflicting a lot of the advice is. I just want to start a plan and go.
This is what I'm starting with because it seems sane. Anyone with experience of it?