Weight Training - Gym

I've been going to the gym and have been doing weights, 3 sets of 12 reps on various equipment. How do I enter this into my diary? The choices are far too basic. And what ever I do enter, it says I haven't burnt any calories. Not sure how this should work, what are other people entering?


  • I enter weight lifting under cardio to get a general idea of what I'm burning during my one or two hours at the gym. I seldom use the strength section of the journal because it's easier to keep track of my lifts and progression using a journal app on my phone then trying to create or taylor the basic compound exercises listed on MFP.
  • I don't enter my lifting because a calorie burn for it isn't accurate at all. It depends on so many things.
  • I'm on TDEE_ I made up my own entry in Cardio and count 1 calorie.
  • i track my own calorie burn via my HRM then when i enter it on here, i create my own exercise and enter the caloric burn for the entire workout.