weight loss after having children

So I have had 3 c-sections one 4 years ago, one 2 years ago and one 11months ago at this point I am working on losing the "baby weight" so far I am doing well...I have lost 17 pounds but I can not lose the "baby pouch"...I do cardio and some weight lifting but I was wondering if anyone knew of any exercises that will get rid of this?


  • Just keep on losing fat. Eventually once the fat is gone you might have some residual stretched skin. That will tighten up over the next couple of years and then you will find out what your final look will be like.
  • weight loss after kids is hard! it took me TEN MONTHS of hard exercise, 100% strict clean eating/sticking to my caloric intake for weight loss to lose the weight. then i started lifting heavy weights and combined that with cardio to further lean out. it wasn't until i started muay thai and completely cut out grains that the belly pooch FINALLY went away (even after all that prior to muay thai, i still had a hint of it but now it's gone thank god!)