Any other lady lifters?



  • I just started lifting with my boyfriend, and I really enjoy it and can't wait to see how strong I can get! :smile:
  • I have a gym set up in my garage and lift 3x a week following the NROL Supercharged program.
    I've been lifting for almost 2 years now I think :smile:
  • I lift too. I don't know any woman in my area that lift either, kind of lonely. Mostly lift at home now aside from the odd form check. Got a home weights room, currently on stage 5 of nrolfw.
    Loads of ladies that lift on here, pretty much why I joined mfp, my goals are more leaning towards lifting than weight management but feel free to add me.
  • Hey all :)
    I lift at home and at the gym (only female gym) looking for other lifters to add so feel free to send me a request :)
  • I lift! I've been weight training since the beginning of September, 4 days a week. I am in love with lifting and have seen such incredible results from it versus the days when I only did cardio! Always love finding more ladies who are into lifting as well!
  • Meeee! I lift at home and came here to post looking for more lady lifting friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • Would like to start lifting at home. And would like some friends to lend advice when needed. Please send friend request if interested. Thanks in SC.
  • I lift, too. Currently doing All-Pro's Intermediate 2 routine 4x per wk. I track it on here as calisthenics and I've started using Jefit.

    There's a good number of female lifters in my gym, a couple of whom are clearly advanced - either competitive powerlifters or serious athletes in another sport that have been lifting for a long time.

    Needless to say, that's not me. I'm in the grey area between novice and intermediate - but I recover too slowly to do beginner routines anymore.
  • I have been lifting for many years, primarily for the lovely sculpting it gives me. That was my original goal, but also I feel so go when I lift. My posture improves, and I have more energy. As my mom aged, she stopped wearing short sleeves because her arms got loose and flabby. I love sleeveless summer tee shirts, so I lift weights to keep my arms attractive. I'm 51.
  • My gym has lots of females but most are very young (under 30). I lifted in my 20s then took a break when I had my children and focued on my career. Then I gained lots of weight in my early 40s. Found out I had thyroid problem. Got on meds and lost over 25 lbs and am lifting again. I'm okay with lift by myself at the gym because I'm very confident with lifting. Plus, working out at the gym by myself gives me a huge mental break. The funny thing is that I wear headphones but I'm not listening to music, just tuning out all of the noise. But I crank up Spin Cycle on iHeart radio during my 30 to 45 min cardio (after lifting).
  • I have been using MFP for a couple of years - at first for weight loss, but over the last year I've been focused more on building muscle. Would love to befriend other lady lifters, since most of my buddies on here have fallen off the MFP wagon :)
  • I love hearing that I'm not the only one lifting. Today I was able to bench 155 lbs for 4 reps with the help of my trainer. Also, my measurements are all getting better and I'm down to 22% body fat. Today was an excellent workout! I just wish I could find other women who lifted at my gym.
  • Anyone here doing LivFit by Jamie Eason or any other program on bodybuilding. com? I'm doing LivFit for a third time.
  • I lift! There are quite a few lifting ladies at my gym, but I don't know anyone else on MFP who does! I would love some more like-minded friends on here, anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Lady lifter right here.