Heel Pain

I've been having heel pain for a few weeks. I got new running shoes from a running store. The girl who helped me mentioned casually it was probably plantar fasciitis and new supportive shoes should help.

I went for a run the other day--double the length of my normal runs. I wasn't bothered while I ran but now the pain seems to be a bit worse.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this. Any tips on products or stretches to try? My dad had plantar fasciitis and said you just have to give it time.


  • Stay off the foot for a couple of days and maybe even invest in an ankle/heel brace to wear at home while your feet are up. As a runner, i've had this happen once before and it just took about a week OFF MY FEET (no exercising), the brace and patience and I was as good as new. Good luck
  • I would start doing lots of foot and calf stretches. I found this article helpful - http://running.competitor.com/2014/06/photos/new-techniques-treating-plantar-fasciitis_96398 One thing you didn't mention was pain upon standing up first thing in the morning, or after sitting - that's been my issue and I've been having success with stretching, icing, and adding heel support insoles.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Could be plantar or possibly a heel spur acting up.

    There are a few stretches that really help.

    1. Placing the ball of your foot against a wall with heel on ground and push\hold into wall for 10 sec repeat. Really stretch your bottom of heel/arch.
    2. Roll your arch and/or heel on a rolling pin or lacrosse ball. It will hurt like hell first few days but will help.
    3. Cross massage on the bottom of foot.
    4. Ice it down quite a bit and get inflammation in check. Perhaps NSAIDS.
    5. KT Tape will be a savior if you use it. Not only will it help with the pain because it shortens the pull on the tendon & it will promote heeling. I highly recommend you using this. YouTube will show you a few ways to apply.

    90% of time it goes away with a little rehab. All the stretching should be done primarily the time of day you feel most pain although don't hesitate to do it 3-4 times per day.

    Good luck.
  • Morning is definitely the worst pain. I tried a couple stretches last night I think they helped a little.

    It's frustrating to have to stop exercising but I know that's what I probably need to do to avoid injuring myself more. I guess I can focus on upper body

    Thanks for the responses!
  • Do you have high arches or flat arches. Check google images if you're unsure.
  • When I went to the running shoe store they told me I have lower arches that require more support
  • is the pain on the heel bone? I had an injury there and it got better overtime as I lost weight. I'm 5'9 and I was 185 when I started running and when I got down in weight, it got better but it could of also been that my running form improved. So your running form could be causing the pain so if possible, try to work on form but if all else fails, you probably should run less to allow it to heal. Definitely won't be your last injury and always remember, don't do too much too soon!
  • It's the bottom of my foot in the heel.

    I'm not a veteran runner but I have been running for a couple years. I just recently started running longer distances though. Previously I wouldn't go much above 1 mile plus walking. This last run, which aggravated my heel, was 4.5 miles of running plus about 1 mile of walking.

    I'm going to try to take some time to rest and try stretches and the KT tape and see how I feel after a few days.
  • I stretch mine by rolling on a can of artichoke hearts. After much research that size is the best for my foot :). Whether or not it helps, it feels *amazing*. Make sure you get the sides, too.