Building muscle: Need female friends who lift! :)



  • But get so confused about the food part and body fat percentage part and if I'm eating enough or not eating enough or should be bulking or not bulking. Lol it's making my head hurt.

    I lift 3 times a week. So much loose skin I wish I would of started sooner. I want muscles. I see the women figure and physique competitors and think "Wow, I want arms like that." I am lucky that hubby likes a toned look. I just hope I can get there.
    As for the diet, I get confused too. I am trying to build more muscle and have really made an effort to eat more protein. I still wonder if it is enough. I figured out why so many people turn to protein shakes, it's hard for me to eat that much meat, when I am not a fan. Not a vegetarian, just not a big meat eater.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    VegasFit wrote: »
    Jennloella wrote: »
    VegasFit wrote: »
    They are just MFP groups for women following those programs. They offer support like posting in the forum to get female friends that lift or are putting on muscle. The programs themselves aren't necessarily for women. New Rules does have a book specifically targeted at women but its premise is that women and men exercise the same way and the workouts can be used by anyone.

    Cool. Just wondering why they felt the need to inlcuded the word women in the titles. I've never followed a specific program and my current lifting routine is the same one my boyfriend does.

    definitely nothing about the women in those groups is "easy" or "lighter" than what men do. Most of them can probably out-lift your boyfriend.....just a group of gals getting gal's perspective. My husband can spot me, but he can't help me with a good bra for lifting, gloves to fit my smaller hands, the way my deadlift is more painful after I gave birth to my last baby....etc.

    I wasn't implying that. Just trying to understand why they felt the need to specifiy they were woman only programs which is what I get from reading the titles. But like someone else mentioned it's a good marketing ploy. Lol. Haven't had kids so can't relate to that aspect and I didn't know there were special bras for lifting?

    The programs themselves aren't "for women," though. The MFP groups are - they're created by users here, not any company.
  • Now that I have lost the few lbs I'm looking into starting a strength/weight training. Ahh, where to begin is tad overwhelming. I'm seriously considering getting a personal trainer to guide and motivate me. You may add me! :)
  • I lift heavy 4to5 days a week I also love lifting, so feel free to add me as well :) Ive been on a cut for abt 3 months will probably continue as long as my weights are moving up or at least staying the same. I will start bulking again in a couple months. losing fat building muscle thats what Im talking about lol!
  • I'm looking to start lifting, too. So if I add any of you randomly, this is why!
  • I lift heavy 4-5x a week - feel free to add :)
  • Achoo
  • I pick some things up now and again.

    And every once in a while- I put them down.
  • I also think last I checked I was a woman too- but I think the verdict is still out.
  • Former heavy cardio bunny turned lifter! I still do run but I now lift 2-3x a week. Following StrongLifts 5x5 :)

    Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • I just started tracking my lifts!
  • I lift 2-3x/week and run (aka therapy) 2-3/week. I love how lifting makes me feel and when people comment on me looking big and strong, I can tell them that I actually am!
  • Wow! Thanks for all the feedback and info..and I think I added everyone I here ha.

    Yes I am following a plan, I've been just learning on my own for the past few months with questions answered by some I know who have worked out a long time...but I need more insight and I'm a visual meeting up with a trainer next week to hopefully get some answers, feedback, support and help me stay motivated. Although I know it's all entirely up to me how far I go.

    Thanks everyone and hope you all killed your workout today!
  • [I'm trying to figure out all the nutritional intake ratios that are best for me right now. Just getting a handle on losing too much weight. Always had a fast metabolism and now with less muscle mass, I really need to stay ahead of this. I want to get back into weight training with a strong emphasis on nutrition. I'd like to tap into what you are learning. Thx, Gina
  • I wish I could lift, my strength is so poor. Definitely need friends in the east coast. Maybe NJ? Do you have any tips?
  • I wish I could lift, my strength is so poor. Definitely need friends in the east coast. Maybe NJ? Do you have any tips?

    Just start lifting! I'm working through an injury from a car accident a few years ago that didn't heal properly....I used to be sore everyday after a year of physio...only thing that has helped and made a difference is lifting weights! That's how you get stronger. :) just a suggestion.