Eat or not to eat prior to morning workout?



  • If I'm running about 7 miles or less and doing it first thing in the morning on a weekday I don't eat anything. If I lift or do a class or ride my bike to work I tend to do it immediately before work (rather than returning home afterwards) and a bit later in the morning, so always eat first. Also, I dislike lifting or bike riding on an empty stomach and am less likely to be bothered by eating too soon before as with the running.

    On the weekends I prefer to eat before running too and just wait a bit, since I run better after I've eaten a little so it makes the workout more intense if I want that. Also, my preferred race distance is a half marathon and I can't do that fasted, so I like to experiment with what to eat before a run.
  • ahamm002 wrote: »
    It depends. If your goal is fat burning then studies have shown your best bet is to just workout before eating anything. Whereas, if your goal is performance then you should probably have some liquid calories or something light to give you energy.

    They haven't really.

    Also, if your performance is elevated... you'll more than likely burn more calories than if you were not as energized.
  • When I was working out in the mornings I never ate before, maybe a cup of coffee max. Now I workout at night, of course I have to eat before but I try to wait an hour or so after so my stomach doesn't get upset. I don't notice the difference between eating and not eating - but I am a morning person so that may have helped with the energy level.
  • I'm usually not hungry if I'm working out in the morning, maybe have a muesli bar at the most.
  • Cardio generally yes, weights sometimes but often not. Both I will have BCAAs to sip on during my workout. This is based purely on what makes me feel best