cwolfman13 wrote: » You should do whatever floats your boat.
amdawells wrote: » I truly appreciate all the input! It's interesting to see what everyone is doing. I'm still trying to figure out what's right for me & I've tried both actually! My workouts are cardio right now & primarily in the a.m. after I take my kids to school. (I'm on week 5 of Insanity.) In the beginning I didn't eat anything before my workout & everything was fine. As time went on I noticed I was more fatigued. Now eating a bowl of oatmeal or having eggs an hr. beforehand makes a big difference in my endurance. I still feel I should have a smoothie afterwards but if I have a big breakfast beforehand, should I have something high calorie/high protein after? As it is I'm having issues with eating enough calories for the day & I rarely go over.
ahamm002 wrote: » It depends. If your goal is fat burning then studies have shown your best bet is to just workout before eating anything. Whereas, if your goal is performance then you should probably have some liquid calories or something light to give you energy.
cajuntank wrote: » cwolfman13 wrote: » You should do whatever floats your boat. ^^ This. (linked is to Brad Shoenfeld's latest study) "A single study is simply a piece in an evidentiary puzzle and can never considered the final word on a topic. What I do think is clear from our study, however, is that if there are any benefits from fasted cardio (still highly equivocal), they would be minor at best. So the best advice for those who are simply looking to get lean is to focus on total energy and macronutrient balance; whether you perform cardio fasted or fed should depend entirely on preference." So one could extrapolate that whether its cardio or weights or whatever whatever you prefer doing.