kmab1985 wrote: » OK, I know this is a silly question but are there different kind of squat levels? The reason I ask is because I do bodypump so know how to squat in bodypump but then a few weeks ago my PT shown me how to deadlift in which you squat down and engage the hips/stick bum out etc so I've been practising this "engaging the hips" and was looking forward to my new found "form" in bodypump today but I just couldn't do it, I automatically went back to squating with the bar how I've been doing it since I joined bodypump (and the teacher never says I'm doing it wrong or anything).... Bodypump as you know can be quite fast paced so when I was trying to sink lower with my bar I was 1)not able to keep up with everyone and 2) it was hurting my knees because I was then trying to keep up! Sorry if thats a silly question!
kmab1985 wrote: » Thanks all, I know deadlifts are not squats but when you go down for the bar you kinda do the same as you would when you squat....neutral back, bend knees forward, toes facing same as knees, bum out, engage hips, straighten/squeeze shoulders so I just assumed this was how all squats were done!
kmab1985 wrote: » Thats how my PT shown me how to do them.....maybe the bending of the knees going forward I got wrong as they are supposed to be in parrallel with your toes right? Lets not start a debate....I know deadlifts are not squats! I'm still learning the deadlift and do so with my PT....
SezxyStef wrote: »