Neck Exercises?

One of the places that I've accumulated fat that drives me crazy the most is my neck fat. I found a few exercises/stretches online that is supposed to help to get rid of neck fat / double chin, but I don't necessarily know if they've done anything other than make me look ridiculous when I'm doing them.

I don't think the neck fat / double chin is naturally genetic before weight gain, even though other members of the family have it (who are also overweight), just because I did not have one when I was younger and skinny - though apparently I'm genetically predisposed to gain fat in this area once I do start gaining weight.

Is there any secrets or exercises/stretches I'm missing to try to loose fat in this area and tone the muscle up?

For what its worth, the area I have a problem with is basically right under my chin to my mid neck, becoming more evident the more I bow my head down; the sides of my neck are really not fat at all, just that front portion there.


  • You cannot spot reduce. You’re going to have to lose fat overall to address this issue. Fat loss comes from what and how much you eat.

    The only other tip I can offer is to focus on your posture. If your shoulders are back where they belong (meaning you have good balance between your chest and back musculature and your head is held in a neutral position, any fat or loose skin on the neck should be less noticeable.

  • You cannot spot reduce. You’re going to have to lose fat overall to address this issue. Fat loss comes from what and how much you eat.

    Pretty much this. Lose fat overall.
  • I want to (and am) loosing fat overall; there are just places (neck, underarms, and belly) that are still very fatty despite being over halfway to my goal weight.
  • Unfortunately, there's no specific exercise that will allow you to lose fat in a specific region. You just have to keep losing more fat. :neutral:
  • flrancho wrote: »
    I want to (and am) loosing fat overall; there are just places (neck, underarms, and belly) that are still very fatty despite being over halfway to my goal weight.
    Like I said, you just can’t spot reduce. I carry fat in my stomach. I can get down below 19% body fat and I still have a belly. It’s not fair, but who said life is fair? Just keep at it.
  • I do neck exercises because I had a chicken neck and huge arms. Working my neck twice a week has increased its size, yet it won't burn any fat off that area. haha.
  • flrancho wrote: »
    I want to (and am) loosing fat overall; there are just places (neck, underarms, and belly) that are still very fatty despite being over halfway to my goal weight.

    Sucks, doesn't it?