MysticRealm wrote: » My worry is that yoga is not going to allow my body to rest or recover as it gives me a full body workout, like a body weight 'lifting workout'. And since the program doesn't even recommend cardio I know if really wouldnt recommend another 'lifting' session. So is it ok to add another 'lifting workout' to my week through yoga or will that not allow my body to heal properly and as such hinder my progress?
jgnatca wrote: » Are you doing hot or fast yoga? Maybe you're getting a cardio burn off that, but a slow yoga as my instructor says, is flexibility with spirituality. Flexibility without spirituality would be pilates. My teacher gets a good laugh at his prison class (who get a big kick out of him, too by the way) watching the body builders try and stretch their arms over their heads. Their fast-twitch muscles are well-developed, but flexibility and holds, not so much. I think the two types of workouts are highly compatible.
noclady1995 wrote: » Since I started weight training, I don't really do much of power yoga/ashtanga/vinyasa. I try to stick to Yin. Would that type of yoga work for you instead?