Someone wants to be my coach/buddy?

Hello everyone!
I'm here since 40 days, I'm happy with my progress so far and I'd like to bring it to the next level.
I'm 28yo - CW 255pounds, I don't have money to get a gym membership nor a personal trainer but I have the time and will power necessary to succeed in my journey.
I also know that this community had a big part on how far I've come and I'm ready to add a new piece to the puzzle.

I've informed myself a lot in the last weeks and I sort of created my workout routine, starting from scratch, step by step, I can say and I believe that I'm enough committed!
Now, I was wondering if there's anyone willing to spend their time to work with me and let's say "coach" me, I'd really need some help from someone that knows more than me about working out.

I know I can easily get all the info I want here or somewhere else online but I feel the need of having someone following me, to report back to this someone and if I'll ever need an advice I know I can trust this person.

Enough blah blah! Any questions you can ask here or just PM me :*


  • When you say "coach" me....
    What are you looking for in this coach?
    And what kind of "working out" are you referring to?
  • Hi Max :)
    Someone that can "coach" me is someone that can make me progress and tries to push me over my limits that I've set because of my weight, I know I can do more than this but I'm just not sure how and how much. I need someone that tells me "do 20 of this and 30 of that, 3 times, 6 days". So...a guide?
    A coach for me is also someone to refer to and that can cheer with me when I'll be able to break my limits.

    I don't have any equipment right now besides a mat and my shoes, I plan to buy some weights next month but for now all I have is my body (and that's a lot LOL ). So everything I can do at home without any special fancy equipment, I'll do it. I go walk nearly every day or take my bike, for now I don't really feel comfortable running, I might start to jog a little but that's...a huge thing.
  • Ok, thanks for the clarification.

    I don't feel I would be much of a benefit for you.
    I do all my lifting at the gym....
    And I don't know enough body weight exercises, or being creative enough in that area.....
    There are people on here with far more/better knowledge of body weight exercises.

    I will say I have done P90X videos a few times, and those are pretty good for a home workout.....
  • If you're new to working out you can do a whole routine with just bodyweight exercises. You could start with pushups, squats, planks and burpees. They all have modifications for newbies. I read recently that doing "wall" pushups has a better effect than doing "girl" pushups on your knees. No need to run if you can get your heart rate up just walking. Just go at a pace where you can still carry on a conversation but you're not out of breath.
  • Thank you anyway Max! The P90X seems tough but maybe in a month (being super optimistic here) I'll be able to did it, all depends how much effort I'll put into working out from now on.

    Let's see if someone else shows up :)
  • Saw this, as part of a HIIT article on a site I visit.
    Complete 4 rounds in 8 minutes (45 second rest in between each round)

    25 body squats

    25 jumping jacks

    15 jump squats

    15 burpees

    5 sit ups

    5 push ups

    Came across this as well
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm not much of a coach, still trying to figure out this whole weight loss/exercise thing myself. That said, there are tons of home workouts that you could do and the best part is they're free!!! Right now I do a lot of fitness blender (they're on youtube) they have tons of cardio and "strength" training videos. They have a lot of body weight workouts. There's also gymra and blogilates on youtube, they're actually kind of fun. There's Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper from the biggest loser on there too.

    Good luck on your journey.... oh yeah, you can add me if you'd like. I may not be the coach type but I like to think I'm a good motivator.
  • Hey! I'm just starting out as a coach and would be happy to help you. I've been working out at home for a long time. I'd also recommend looking online for workouts.

    I do P90X quite often, and I understand it might be intimidating if you are new to exercise. Have you looked at any of the other Beahchbody workouts? Maybe Turbo Fire would be better for you.

    Have you tried running? Couch to 5k would be a good place to start.

  • Sure, I'll take you on. Starting rate is $100/week, I take paypal.
  • DopeItUp wrote: »
    Sure, I'll take you on. Starting rate is $100/week, I take paypal.

    You may be undercharging on this one...

  • DopeItUp wrote: »
    Sure, I'll take you on. Starting rate is $100/week, I take paypal.

    I'd just take noods. o:)

    Or, OP, you could try taking a look here:

    I know - it's a lot - but you can look and see if someone there might be a good match and is willing to help.
  • mausbop wrote: »
    Hello everyone!
    I'm here since 40 days, I'm happy with my progress so far and I'd like to bring it to the next level.
    I'm 28yo - CW 255pounds, I don't have money to get a gym membership nor a personal trainer but I have the time and will power necessary to succeed in my journey.
    I also know that this community had a big part on how far I've come and I'm ready to add a new piece to the puzzle.

    I've informed myself a lot in the last weeks and I sort of created my workout routine, starting from scratch, step by step, I can say and I believe that I'm enough committed!
    Now, I was wondering if there's anyone willing to spend their time to work with me and let's say "coach" me, I'd really need some help from someone that knows more than me about working out.

    I know I can easily get all the info I want here or somewhere else online but I feel the need of having someone following me, to report back to this someone and if I'll ever need an advice I know I can trust this person.

    Enough blah blah! Any questions you can ask here or just PM me :*

    Please do NOT let any of the Beachbody "coaches" use this opportunity to lure you into that pyramid scheme. They have no shame.

  • Pinterest has a lot of body weight workouts. You could search there for ideas too.
  • Thank you so much to everybody for taking your time to answer , I didn't thought I could get so many replies!

    I searched a lot online, I informed myself and tried to find something that fits me and my abilities but what I'm missing the most is someone to refer to, I've my mentor and I rely on her for the "food&struggle" part, she is great and I guess she is happy with me cause I'm not a whiny baby and I can stay on track pretty easily.

    I'll give a try to the Couch to 5k - found a nice app - and the HIIT video from Max (the list of exercises you quoted is similar to the one I normally make, just less jumping lmao).

    I really won't give any money to anyone, I need them to buy gear ;)

    Thank you again guys, feel free to add me if you want to stalk my progress x :D
  • I would love to help you in your journey. You are off to a great start. Success is built on exercise, nutrition, and support. I love helping people reach their goals.