Hello everyone!
I'm here since 40 days, I'm happy with my progress so far and I'd like to bring it to the next level.
I'm 28yo - CW 255pounds, I don't have money to get a gym membership nor a personal trainer but I have the time and will power necessary to succeed in my journey.
I also know that this community had a big part on how far I've come and I'm ready to add a new piece to the puzzle.
I've informed myself a lot in the last weeks and I sort of created my workout routine, starting from scratch, step by step, I can say and I believe that I'm enough committed!
Now, I was wondering if there's anyone willing to spend their time to work with me and let's say "coach" me, I'd really need some help from someone that knows more than me about working out.
I know I can easily get all the info I want here or somewhere else online but I feel the need of having someone following me, to report back to this someone and if I'll ever need an advice I know I can trust this person.
Enough blah blah! Any questions you can ask here or just PM me